In 1587, 100 men and woman and children landed on an island which is now today is north Carolina under the leadership of john white. (Notes) -
In 1607 the Virginia Company Of London a joint stock company. set a colony on the coast of Virginia. It started of with 150 settlers but after the first winter there were only 38 people left. Due to 4 main facts the winter was really really bad, the gentleman refused to work, it was in a swamp, and the natives were not friendly. Making it impossible for this settlement to survive. But after all of this a man named John Smith the leader of the new Jamestown thrived by rules and Tobacco. (Notes) -
House Of Burgesses
It was the first legislature made up of elected representatives. formed in the legendary James Town. Only property owners could vote for representatives. (Notes) -
Great Migration
In the years 1620 a few hundred pilgrims went to the Plymouth colony then in 1630 between 13,000 to 21,000 immigrates left England to go to Massachusetts bay colony. the two reasons to why they left are religious persecution and economic. https://historyofmassachusetts.org/the-great-puritan-migration/ -
Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact
The Plymouth colony was formed by abut 100 passengers including 35 pilgrims who set sailed in the Mayflower, the name of the legendary boat that brought them to the new world. But before they got started they established the first self government called the Mayflower Compact. -
Salutary Neglect
the Salutary Neglect was a policy from the British government in the early to mid-18th century regarding its North American colonies. Which said that trade regulations for the colonies were poorly enforced and imperial supervision of internal colonial affairs was loose as long as the colonies remained loyal to the British government and contributed to the economic profitability of Britain.
(https://www.britannica.com/topic/salutary-neglect) -
New York
Being first settled by the Dutch they called the area New Netherlands. They used a system called Patroon to promote the settlement. The Dutch landholder had huge amounts of land which they could then rent to tenant farmers. But with all this land and success its like a drop of blood for the sharks of Britain who go right for it, having 3 naval wars. Which they soon win by the Dutch surrendering. The British then rename the area Duke Of York after king Charles the second. (Notes) -
Massachusetts Bay Colony
This new England colony was settled by 1000 puritans seeking religions freedoms. The puritans were governed by John Winthrop who wanted to purify the church of England not create a new one. (Notes) -
Rhode Island
A new England colony settled by a man named Roger Williams and his supporters. Roger was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for speaking out against the government authorities, punishing religious dissension and against the confiscation of native american land. So he founded Rhode Island where there was no persecutions of Christians. (Notes) -
A new England colony originally founded by Thomas Hooker, a puritan. It was used as the first trading post on the Connecticut River Valley. A citizen was based upon land ownership not religion. (Notes) -
Maryland Toleration Act
The people of Maryland made a religious act that was meant to ensure freedom of religion for Christian settlers of diverse persuasions in the colony. The law made it a crime to blaspheme God, the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary, or the early apostles and evangelists. which forbade anyone from referring to another’s religion in a bad way and it provided the honoring of the sabbath. (https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/868/maryland-toleration-act-of-1649) -
A southern colony settled by supporters of King Charles the second, who granted 8 supporters land in the Carolina's. With easy access to the trade in the west indies people settled to grow cash crops like rice, indigo, and the best of all tobacco. These crops were for the purpose of selling rather than just the farmers needs. This labor intensive crops required a huge labor force. So in 1720 African slaves out numbered the settlers 2-1. (Notes) -
Bacon's Rebellion
The word Bacon comes from the name Nathaniel Bacon who formed an unauthorized militia of indentured servants, poor farmers, and slaves to retaliate against Native American attacks on the Virginia frontier. Virginia Governor William Berkeley gathered an army to fight Bacon and his men. Bacon's militia destroyed Jamestown. The rebellion ended though due to Bacon's death from dysentery. (Notes) -
This middle colony settled by William Penn 1682 was originally granted permission to be settled in 1681 by king Charles the second. William established the colony as a Holy Experiment, a place without a landowning aristocracy where every male settler was given 50 acres and the right to vote. (Notes) -
This was a period of bringing new light or ideas to European politics, philosophy, science and communications. It produced several books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions to the Americas.
(Americas.https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/enlightenment) -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials started when a group of young girls in a Salem village claimed to be possessed by the devil. The girls then accused innocent local women of witchcraft and had them killed. 150 people were imprisoned for witchcraft, 7 died in prison, 19 men and women were found guilty and hanged, 1 person was even crushed to death because he didn't testify. (Notes) -
Albany Plan
The Albany plan was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. There were seven representatives of the British North American colonies that accepted the idea, but it was never carried out. It was the first important proposal to try and get everyone of the colonies under one government.
(https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/albany-plan) -
French-Indian War
This battle between the French and British had many conflicts for the next seven years until 1763 when they signed the Treaty of Paris. This treaty meant that Britain will receive the territories of Canada and Florida and no more war between them.
(http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/frin.html) -
Proclamation Of 1763
It was a response to a revolt from Native Americans following the French-Indian war. The settlers in America were protected from any Indian attacks which also granted Britain a great deal of valuable land west of the Appalachian Mountains. (http://www.ushistory.org/us/9a.asp#targetText=After%20Britain%20won%20the%20Seven,of%20valuable%20North%20American%20land.)