American Romanticism

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri is admitted as a slave state. Maine is admitted as a free state in the missouri compromise
  • Liberia settlement freed U.S slaves

    Liberia settlement freed U.S slaves
    Liberia is founded on the west coast of Africa as a settlement for freed U.S slaves
  • Defeating Spain at Ayacucho

    Defeating Spain at Ayacucho
    Peru assures its independence by defeating Spain at Ayacucho
  • Erie Canal is opened

    Erie Canal is opened
    Erie Canal is opened, connecting great lakes and Atlantic Ocean
  • Two deaths

    Two deaths
    Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on the same day, July 4th.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    A secret system for helping fugitive slaves reach safety, is organized
  • The Oxbow

    The Oxbow
    Thomas Cole completes The Oxbow, an early Hudson River school Romantic landscape painting.
  • Queen Victoria

    Queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria of England is crowned
  • U.S Army

    U.S Army
    U.S Army forces Cherokees out of Georgia on long Trail of Tears to Oklahoma