american revolutionary war timeline

  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a deadly riot that occurred on Kings Street on March 5th, 1770. It started as a disagreement between a British soldier and American colonists, then escalated to a chaotic massacre. This energized anti-British sentiment and paved the way for the American Revolution.
  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    the french and the british were fighhting over control of the ohio river valley. The war lasted 9 years, and cost the british a lot of money. The british won, but were in a significant debt. In order to pay off the debt they start taxing colonists, sparking the first dispute between the colonists and the corwn.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was the British Parliament requiring colonial authorities to provide food, drink, fuel, and transportation to British forces stationed in their towns. This act was passed mainly in response to greatly increased empire defense costs following the French and Indian War. This helped The Revolutionary War because it allowed royal Governors rather than the colonial legislatures, to find homes and shelters to house British soldiers.
  • The Townsend Act

    The Townsend Act
    The Townshend Act was a serious measure taken by the British parliament, that taxed goods on goods imported to the American colonies. Some American Colonists saw this as an abuse of power. In return, the British sent troops to enforce these new laws. These Acts were passed to pay colonial governors and judges, although these policies prompted colonists to boycott British products.
  • The Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts

    The Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts
    The Boston Tea Party was an incident in which about 342 chests of tea belonging to the British were thrown from ships by American colonists disguised as mohawk Indians. The American colonists were protesting The tax on tea. The intolerable acts were a series of 4 laws passed on May 20th, 1774 by Britain's parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party.