The French and Indian War
There was no exact date for the French and Indian war which was a war between Great Britain and the French and Indians of North America because the French were trading with the Indians of North america and Great Britain did not like what was going on. and they started taxing America for the war. -
Period: to
American Revolutionay War Time LIne
The Sugar Act
A 3 cent tax on refined sugar and an increased tax in coffee, indigo and certain types of wine this only affected a certain amount of the population the Merchants were very vocal and the taxes on these items kept being raised without the Colonists conscient which got Colonists upset. -
The Stamp Act
The first direct tax act on the Colonists instituted in november ,1765 every newspaper,pamphlet or legal document had to have a stamp or a Brittish Seal on it the Seal costed money which got the Colonists mad because they thought they shouldn't have to pay for something they have been doing for free for years. -
The Stamp Act Congress
A diplomatic body that gave its answer to the crown after hearing the Colonists case Brittain removed the stamp act but added the Declaratory act,which made the Colonists very mad. -
Townshed Acts
New taxes on led paper paint and tea the Colonists did not like it the british government repelled all except the tax on tea which started riots. -
The Boston Massacre
Shooting of five colonists from america only one person was killed a African American named crispus Attacks this made the colonists distrust of british military on their territory even worse. -
The Boston Tea Party
A group of american colonists who were upset about the new tax on tea decided to dress up as Indians and dump British tea coming in on three different British ships into Boston Harbor and similar examples from other colonies followed suit and then after a while tea was boycotted all together. -
The First Continental congress
2 Groups of people who came from all over the 13 Colonies to discuss Independence they were brought together to act in response to the Intolerable Acts -
The Battles of Lexington and Concord
The place of the first shots between lexington and concord it was an American arms Depot that the British were going to storm. -
The Second Continental Congress
The same 2 groups of people from all over the 13 Colonies came again and meet after the Revolutionary war got started which was a mess, the Army was disorganized the Congress made George washington the commander and chief of the Continental Army and the Declaration of Independence was discussed as also was the Articles of Confederation and the Marines Corps. -
George Washington named Commander in Chief
First president of the United States who had fought for the British in the French and Indian war he served 2 terms and tried to calm the bickering between the Federalists and the Democrats. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
2 day battle between the British and the American colonists, The American Colonists occupied breed hill in an attempt to protect a ship yard in nearby Boston because of this the British decided to start attacking the American Colonists. -
Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" published
A pamphlet written by the Patriot Soldier Thomas Paine called Common Sense was able to fire the Colonists up and drive the Revolutionary Cause. -
The British evacuate Boston
During the war of Independence the British were forced to evacuate boston -
Richard Henry Lee proposes Independence
Under the instruction of the Virginia convention Richard Henry Lee proposed to the second Continental Congress the need for American Independence this is also known as the Lee Resolution which would lead to the signing of the Declaration of Independence on july 4th. -
Declaration of Independence adopted
A document written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the Independence of the 13 colonies of the United states of America from great Britain this made great Britain mad and want to continue the war on the American colonies. -
Declaration of Independence signed
The day that the Declaration of Independence was signed by the People of the second Continental Congress stating their independence.