American Revolution - (mitchell)

  • End of the French and Indian war

    End of the French and Indian war
    The treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war.The French received all land from the Mississippi River west, while the British received all land from the Mississippi River east.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    In 1764 parliament LOWERED the tax on sugar, in hopes colonist would stop smuggling. The Sugar Act was the first tax on american colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Virginia house of burgesses passed resolution called "Stamp Act", colonist were the only ones to create/collect taxes.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Stamp Act taught the British that the Colonist would resist internal taxes, As a result in 1767 parliament passed down the Townshend Act to tax and import goods.
  • Trouble In Massachusetts

    Trouble In Massachusetts
    The protest sent a word to the British that they were on a brink of rebellion and the parliament sent the troops to Boston.The angry colonist jeered and set up a camp because they thought the British went to far because they sent an army to take control of their cities.
  • Tension In The Streets

    A fight broke out between Bostonians and soldiers.Townspeople began throwing sticks and stones at the soldiers.After one soldier was knocked down, the redcoats began to fire and killed 5 colonists and named it "The Boston Massacre".
  • Spreading The News

    Spreading The News
    The colonial leaders used the Boston Massacre as propaganda. Samuel Adams put up poster to describe the massacre,which led the colonist to call the boycott of British goods.They were troubled by the growing oppositions and ended their boycotts.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Parliament passed the tea act to give colonist control of the market for tea and the Tea Act removed some of the tax on tea , making it less expensive for colonist.
  • A Tea Party

    A Tea Party
    The East India Company continued to sell their Tea so the colonist in New York forced the tea companies to send it back.In 1773 three ships of tea,arrived in Boston,Harbor and at midnight on December 16th the native Americans boarded the ships and threw a "Boston Tea Party".
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    King George III tried to take over the colonies.In 1774 parliament passed a Coercive Act forcing British to live among the colonist and the Coercive Act drew the colonies together.
  • A Meeting In Philadelphia

    A Meeting In Philadelphia
    Fifty-five delegates gathered in Philadelphia to set up a political body party. Americans challenge the British control , called the "Continental Congress".
  • The Delegates Vote

    The Delegates Vote
    The delegates discussed complaints they had against the British, then they voted.The delegates call for the Repeal Of 13 Acts of Parliament,they also voted the Boycott British Trade.The colonies would not import or use any British goods.
  • The making of a republic

    after throwing off the British rule .The 13 states needed a plan of government that would satisfy their needs.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    in 1776 the second Continental congress appointed a committee to draw up a plan for a new central government. As a result congress adopted the articles as the nation's first constitution in November 1777. The Articles established a weak central government so the state kept most of the power. The articles of confederation also gave the congress limited power, so congress didn't have the power to regulate trade so if they needed money they had to ask the states
  • Problems at home and Abroad

    Problems at home and Abroad
    The confederation government had trouble with its financial issues , because of its weakness. The currency had fallen in value, so it was almost worth nothing, people began to realize that congress couldn't exchange or trade. In 1780's the continental congress faced a large debt.Congress borrowed money from american citizens and couldn't raise enough money to pay its debt.
  • The Confederation Government

    The Confederation Government
    the next seven years were hard because the new national government had to handle the U.S and the weak congress could not vote unless nine states voted in favor but the government managed the achievements.Americans negotiated the peace treaty with Britain and expanded the country's foreign trade
  • Policies For Western Lands

    The articles of confederation did not propose a way to add new states to the United States .The westerners wanted to organize their lands and join the union. The British gave up their control and the United States government had to establish policies for the western lands
  • Plan For Import Tax

    Plan For Import Tax
    congress faced a collapse of the countries finances. The Philadelphia merchant was lead by Robert Morris , Robert proposed 5 percent tax to help pay the national debt. This required a change to the Articles of confederation. 12 states approved but Rhode Island opposed it. In 1783 it failed to win approval by the states and the financial crisis grew worse.
  • The Ordinance Of 1785

    The Ordinance Of 1785
    In 1785 the confederation congress passed an ordinance that setup a process to sell the lands north of the Ohio river and the government would sell each section at a public auction. Richard Henry. Lee urged that the rights of property be clearly defined so the congress drafted another law.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance created from the Ohio river and Mississippi. When the territory had 60,000 residents the people could seek statehood. The northwest had a bill of rights for the territory because it guaranteed freedom by religion and Trial By Jury . in 1798 U.S congress created the Mississippi territory from land at a little bit at a time.
  • States write constitutions

    The continental congress took up the last question before declaring independence. Congress asked the states to organize their governments.New York and Georgia and Massachusetts followed the eight states after drafting the constitutions before the end of the year.
  • A new Republic

    the American people had to form a national government after forming state governments. People agreed that the new country should be a republic , but they couldn't agree on what the new republics government have. At first most of the Americans wanted a weak central government, because they wanted the states to rely on a central government to wage the war handle situations with the countries.
  • Limits on Power

    Limits on Power
    Americans crafted constitutions that limited the power of the governor. Pennsylvania's constitution replaced the entire office with a 12-person council. Some states would only let white males that were at least 21 years old to vote. The legislature had the most power after the constitutions limited the power of the governors.
  • Land Act of 1800

    Land Act of 1800
    The Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance aimed to encourage settlement.In 1800 congress passed the land act, this made it easier for people to buy land and made it possible to buy land at a little bit at a time
  • Crisis In Boston

    Crisis In Boston
    The British East India Company almost drove the British economy out of business so the parliament passed the Tea Act and the act moved some of the tax on tea. The colonist were mad because they didn't want to pay any tax on tea, so they called for a new boycott to stop the British East India Company.