French-Indian War (1756-1763)
fought between the british/colonist and french/ indian left england also called the 7 years war by british -
stamp act 1765
a tax on all paper goods requiring stamps on all of the including everything form letters, news papers, playing cards -
Declaratory Act 1765
told the colonist that british can make rules for colonist -
Townshend Acts 1767
taxe on most house hold goods like glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea that most people have -
Boston Massacre March 5 1770
british red coats attacked civilians killing five and injuring others -
Boston Tea Party 1773
colonist dump british tea in the boston harbor to protest tea tax -
Intolerable Acts (aka Coercive Acts) 1773
the british response to the boston tea party they close the boston harbor, took away their government replacing it with british government, made all people that got arrested go back to britain to be tried, made the colonist house solders -
Quartering Act 1774
made colonist house soldiers -
Battle of Lexington & Concord 1775
"the shot heard around the world" they are the first battles of the american revolution -
Second Continental Congress May 1775
planning a response to the british acts/taxes -
Common Sense 1776
a booklet that helped get support from the colonist for the revioton -
Declaration of Independence 1776
the american break up letter to the british saying that they are no longer under british rule