The pilgrims did not follow the british laws and wanted to be idependant -
viginia house of burgesses
Govenors that served in this did so under a royal charter -
mayflower compact
This was signed by 41 english colonists it was the first form of government established -
bacons revolution
The people thought that the british govenrment was not protecting them so they revolted -
salem witch trials
The colonist thought some of the other colonist where witches -
john peter zenger
He spoke out about the british government -
french indian war
This was the british controlled coloneis went to war with the french and the idians -
proclemation of 1763
A law that forbide the french from being in british controled territory -
quatering act
This act forced the colonists to shelter the british soilders -
stamp act
The act that required the colonies to sale and ship british made goods -
declatory act
This act was to revoke the stamp act of 1765 -
boston massacure
The british soilders killed 5 american colonists -
boston tea party
This was the reaction to the tea act the colonists through the tea into the harbor -
tea act
This act forced the colonists to pay taxes for tea -
1st contental congress
It was a metting of 13 colonies that protested the british acts -
2nd contanental congress
This metting was about the colonial war effort -
decleration of independance
This was a document that decared our independance from british control