American Revolution

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    French Indian War

    Also known as the 7 year war, it pitted North America colonies of the British Empire against the french. Each side was being supported by many different Native American tribes.
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    Navigation Act

    It was acts of the Parliament intended to promote the self-sufficiency of the British Empire.
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    Quartering Act

    It was British parliament that allowed the redcoats to be able to take over any colonists house and the colonist were required to give them food, water, shelter, and anything they want or need.
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    Townshend Act

    The British would tax goods that were brought to the american colonies.
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    Boston Massacre

    American colonist were protesting about taxing on things and a British soldier shot a person and it started a breakout of people.
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    Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a act of protest of the tea taxing colonists decided to dress up as indians and dump 92,000 pounds of tea into the harbor.
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    Intolerable Acts

    It was a serious of 4 laws that were passed by the British Parliament to punish the american colonies.
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    Stamp Act

    The stamp act was taxes on stamps, you had to get stamps for anything in paper to be able to just own it. Many people protested about this they would put hot tart and apply feathers so it could stick to there skin on the stamp sellers.
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    Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and concord is also known as "the shot heard around the world''. It lead to the American Revolution, tensions had been building up.
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    Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies in America Revolutionary war.
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    Olive Branch Petition

    The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the congress on July 5 1775 it was sent the King George lll it was there last attempt to declare war.
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    Common sense

    A practical judgement concerning everyday matters
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    Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is a letter for King George lll to let him know that the 13 colonies were taking independence
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    Articles of Confederation

    The article of confederation was an established the function of the National Government of the United States.
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    Daniel Shay's Rebellion

    uprising in western Massachusetts.
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    Constitutional Convection

    The delegates went to the State house and swore secrecy so they had the freedom of speech.