American Revolution By Cynthia

  • -French and Indian War

    -French and Indian War
    • -England wanted Colonists to pay for expensive war.
  • -Proclamation of 1763

    -Proclamation of 1763
    • England didn't let Colonists settle past Appalachian Mts.
  • -Stamp Tax

    -Stamp Tax
    -England taxed all Colonists documents that were printed.
  • -Townshend Acts

    -Townshend Acts
    -England Taxed Colonists on glass, lead, paper, tea.
  • -Boston Massacre

    -Boston Massacre
    -British troops shot into crowd of angry Colonists killed 5.
  • -Lexington and Concord

    -Lexington and Concord
    -The first battle of Am Rev, the Americans won.
  • -Declaration of Independence

    -Declaration of Independence
    -American Colonies finally broke away from England.
  • -Battle of Yorktown

    -Battle of Yorktown
    -Last battle of Am Rev. America won the war.
  • -Treaty of Paris

    -Treaty of Paris
    -America received a lot of land from England, and fishing access.