Period: to
Enlightment was a big deal back then., and during that time period. The core ideas associated the Enlightment age included reason, knowledge , and freedom. -
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French and Indian War
The French and Indian War was a huge deal. The Indians and the French came together and fought against the Brits. May 28, 1754 was when the war first started. This was when Washigton defeated the French in a surprise attack. The long war lasted 7 years . The war was very very bloody. The Brits defeated the Natives an the French men. The debts were really bad. -
Sons Of Liberty
Sons of Liberty was formed August 1,1766. They were a secret organization that was created in the 13 American colonies. They formed this group to advance rights. Played a major role in a couple of colonies battling the Stamp Act in 1765.
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Boston Massacre
March 15th, 1770 this all took place. British soliders were shot and killed several people while eing harassed by a amob in Boston. -
Boston Tea Party
It was an Politicalprotest. And a mercantille protest by the Sons of Libety. -
Battles of Lexington & concord
April 19th,1775 , was when the battles were fought. They were the first military engagments of the American Revolutionary War. -
Decloration of independence
Adopted by the 2nd continential cvongress meeting in Pennsylvania. The decloration announced that the 13 colonies at war with the kingdom of Great Britian. -
Great Compromise
An agreement that large and small states reached during the constutional convention of 1787. Allowed the creation of 2 houses in congress. -
Constitutional Convention
A gathering for the purpose of writing a new constitution or revising an existing constitution. -
3/5 Compromise
An agreement to count 3/5 states slaves in apportioning repesentatives presedential electors, and direct taxes. It was the most controvential. click here -
Costitutional is ratified
Was narrowly ratified in Massachusetts, followed by Maryland and South Carolna.The government agreed the U.S constitution would begin on March 4th, 1789 -
Bill Of Rights
Which is the 4th Amendment. Citizens right to be free from unreasonable intrusions in their homes through the requirment of a warrant. -
Stamp Act of 1765
An act of Parliament of Great Britian which imposed a direct tax on the British colonies. Required many printed materials in te colonies.[ Click here]( history.com/topics/american-revolution/stamp-act) -
Treaty of Paris signed
Signed by the repensenatives of Spain and U.S. in Paris on Dec. 10th , 1898