american revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

    It is the document that made France loose power in the Americas.
    The British got the Ohio valley to the Mississippi river.
  • proclamation line of 1763

    This was given to the colonies from the king of england saying that they cannot pass the applachian mountains. Was created because of pontiacs rebellion.
  • Pontiac's rebellion

    The leader, Pontiac led a rebellion at british forts. It lead to the proclamation line of 63
  • Sugar Act

    The Act england released to tax the sugar from merchants. Some people would try to bypass this act and smuggle goods
  • Stamp Act

    Started to tax the colonies without representation. Items that were taxed were usually paper related.
  • Quartering Act

    British soldiers were to be in every household without choice.
    This was to prevent people to do malicious acts.
  • writs of assistance

    Colonists were smuggling goods from the British. They did this to avoid being taxed.
  • Declaratory Act

    The stamp act was repealed after this act was passed. The act states that British government has authority over the colonies. The colonies saw this as unnecessary because they already knew they were under supreme authority.
  • Townshend Acts

    British pass this law to be more successful as the stamp act before. Protests broke out immediately. Sons of liberty boycott all British goods and resist their control.
  • Boston massacre

    British soldiers were being "Attacked" by the colonists in boston. Many british soldiers opened fire and were above law after killing people.
  • Tea Act

    Parament passed this act to allow monopoly on tea with the colonists. The colonists were not happy with all the tea they had.
  • boston tea party

    An=ngry from the tea act, Colonists went on a ship and dumped out all british tea. this later caused the coersive acts.
  • First continental congress

    The meeting of the continental congress was held in Philadelphia.
    All but Georgia supported the decisions made there.
  • coersive acts

    This act was meant to punish the colonies. British started another quartering act, they didnt let them meet more than once a year, they had to pay all the tea that was dumped and they closed down boston harbor.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Wars were against the minutemen and British forces. When British forces were marching to the next battle, they were slaughtered by the minutemen.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    This place was taken over by the british forces after 3 attemps. 400 Minute men defended 1000 British soldiers before being overcome.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This was to pursuade King George to not start a war and keep the peace around. It failed and lead to a war and soon the independence of America.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The events that came out of this was that an army was formed and George Washington was the General. Authorized printing of money to pay off soldiers.
  • Common Sense

    Written by Thomas Paine to pursuade the colonists why independence was necessary. It was a sccess and sold 100,000 copies.
  • Battle of Trenton

    George washingotn attacked the hessians on Christmas Eve. They were able to win and the british retreated back to new york.
  • Declaration of independence

    The colony leaders group up and decide to declare independence from Britian. Congress officially agrees to sign the declaration of independence.
  • Battle of saratoga

    British were heading to albany in new york when encountered American troops. They were able to defeat the british and the Eroupean nation thought they might win.
  • Winter at valley forge

    George washington's troops had to stop and create a camp while only having a few blankets. Many grew weak of the cold and food.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    This battle ended the war. The british general cornwallis surrendered due to being surrounded.
  • Treaty of paris 1783

    This treaty is to free America from britian. This finally gave America independence.