American revolution

  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment brought secular thought to Europe and reshaped how people understood liberty, equality, and individual rights.
  • French& indian war

    French& indian war
    French and Indian War (1754-1763)
    British and French fought for control of the Ohio River Valley; colonists joined Britain in hopes of moving west if they won
  • The Treaty of Paris (1763)

    The Treaty of Paris (1763)
    The Treaty of Paris (1763)
    It gave Britain control over all of Cananda and almost all of the U.S. Spain got control over the land west of the Mississippi
  • sons of liberty

    The Sons of Liberty rallied support for colonial resistance and propaganda, and they sometimes resorted to violence against British officials.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    Stamp Act of 1765
    Newspapers, documents, and other items made of paper had to have a stamp on them; buying a stamp was a form of taxation
  • The Townshend Act (1767)

    The Townshend Act (1767)
    The Townshend Act (1767) Taxed imported glass, paper, lead, paints, tea
  • Boston Massacre (1770)

    Boston Massacre (1770)
    Boston Massacre (1770) Boston Massacre, British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who were teasing and taunting them. Five colonists were killed. The colonists blamed the British and the Sons of Liberty and used this incident as an excuse to promote the Revolution.
  • Boston Tea Party (1773)

    Boston Tea Party (1773)
    December 16, 1773, 50 colonists dressed as Indians (the Sons of Liberty) dumped 10,000 pounds of tea from 3 ships in the Boston Harbor as a protest to the tea tax.
  • Intolerable Acts (1774)

    Intolerable Acts (1774)
    Boston's punishment for the tea party; ended town meetings, closed the Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for, made a newer, harsher Quartering Act.
  • Lexington & Concord (1775)

    Lexington & Concord (1775)
    The sites of the first battles of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)
  • bunker town hill

    its was the battle that decided to make a full-on war
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown proved to be the decisive engagement of the American Revolution.
  • the bill of rights

    There were originally 12 amendments to the Constitution, but the first 2 were never ratified