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Pre-American Revolution

  • Conflict Over the Ohio River Valley

    France and Great Britain fought over much land in North America, but a main point of conflict was the river valley. The land was very fertile and both countries claimed it even though it was largely unsettled.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The colonists met in 1754 to go over Benjamin Franklin's plan to form one government in the colonies and cooperate with each other during war. The British dropped the plan because they feared it would create unity in the colonies and make it harder to rule.
  • The French Indian War

    The French Indian War
    The French Indian War was fought between the French with their Native allies and the British. George Washington was an important general for the British in the war. The French was winning the war until 1758 when the British began winning. The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763, ending the war. France had to give up most of their land in North America.
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    After all the land the British gained, settlers rushed to move into it. The Native Americans were not happy about this. Pontiac's Rebellion was an uprising led by Indians in the Great Lakes region. The Natives wanted to weaken the British and bring the French back. The Natives ran out of supplies and the rebellion died.
  • New Taxes

    New Taxes
    Britain was in lots of debt after the French Indian War and needed to pay back the money. Parliament decided to make the colonists pay taxes. They passed the Stamp, Sugar, and Quartering Acts. The Sugar Act assigned customs officials. The Quartering Act made colonists give shelter to British shelters. The Stamp act placed a tax on all printer materials. Colonists opposed all these taxes.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    After Britain placed a heavy tax on tea, colonists in Boston acted out. One night colonists boarded three British ships and dumped all the tea into the Boston Harbor.