The American Revolution by Jack McReynolds

  • The House of Burgesses met

    The House of Burgesses met
  • Pilgrims left Britain to go to America

    Pilgrims left Britain to go to America
  • 1,000 pilgrims founded Massachusetts Bay Colony

    1,000 pilgrims founded Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • More than 20,000 pilgrims settled in America

    More than 20,000 pilgrims settled in America
  • Pennsylvania established by the Quakers

    Pennsylvania established by the Quakers
  • English had all thirteen colonies

    English had all thirteen colonies
  • Changes to England and colonies

    Changes to England and colonies
  • Britian and France fought for control of North America

    Britian and France fought for control of North America
  • Parliament passes Stamp Act that taxed newspapers

    Parliament passes Stamp Act that taxed newspapers
  • Parliament puts taxes on glass, paper and lead

    Parliament puts taxes on glass, paper and lead
  • Clash between colonists and British troops

    Clash between colonists and British troops
  • Parliament passed the Tea Act

    Parliament passed the Tea Act