
American Presidents

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    Abraham Lincoln

    When Lincoln was elected president, 7 of the southern states left the Union of the US. Several more followed and the Civil war began. After the battle at Antietam, Licoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. He also was responsible for the Gettysburgh Adress, once the war was over, he tried tio reconstruct the USA until his assassination by John Wilkes Booth on April 15 1865.
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    Andrew Johnson

    Johnson came into office after the assassination of Lincoln. He made sure that the people involved in the asassination plopt were put to justice. He radically changed the path of reconstruction. He was almost impeached on two occasions, but was aquitted.
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    Ulysses S. Grant

    Grant was an important figure in the Civil war, which made him popular. This helped him in the elcetion. As president he fought for civil rights.
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    Chester A. Arthur

    Arthur came into office after Garfield's death. He wanted to decrise excise taxing. He vetoed a bill banning Chinese immagration.
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    Benjamin Harrison

    Harrison increased tariffs, and used the extra money on civil war veterans. He was the first president to have a billion dollar budget. He signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, but did not use the power it gave him much.
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    Grover Cleveland

    Cleveland was president during the panic of 1893. By repealing the Sherman Silver Purchase Act and cutting federal spending, this was reduced. He was also president during the Pullman Strike. He had federal troops end the strike.
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    William McKinley

    McKinley did not ask congress to declare war against Spain, but they did. He had to change his cabinent during the war. We gained Puerto Rico, Guam and the Phillipines by the Treaty of Paris. He was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz on Sept. 14 1901.
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore came into office after Mckinley's death. In 1902 he solved the United Mine Workers strike. He passed the Meat Inspection Act, and the Pure Food and Drug Act. He chose not to run for re-election.
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    William H. Taft

    Taft came into ofice after Roosevelt. He, like Roosevelt, was nown for trustbusting. After the Ballinger-Pinchot affair, Roosevelt ran against him, causing the victory of Woodrow Wilson
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    Woodrow Wilson

    In the year of his inauguration, Wilson helped pass the Federal Reserve Act. When WWI rolled around, Wilson declared that the US would remain neutral. After his re-election, Wilson dropped his neutrality after several submarine attacks on ships with Americans aboard, and a possible German sponsered Mexican invasion. He died February 3, 1924.