American Literature Timeline #2. (1865-1945.)

  • Reconstruction After The Civil War.

    Reconstruction After The Civil War.
    Reconstruction begins under Abraham Lincoln, who is then assassinated not much longer after the civil war, and reconstruction really starts under president Andrew Johnson.
  • The 15th Amendment.

    The 15th Amendment.
    Congress ratifies the Fifteenth Amendment, protecting African American voting rights.
  • The Telephone is Invented.

    The Telephone is Invented.
    Communication is now advanced due to the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell.
  • The Airplane.

    The Airplane.
    The Wright brothers make the first controlled airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This is a huge step for America because traveling is now taken to a whole other level.
  • The Titanic.

    The Titanic.
    The titanic strikes an iceberg killing 1500 people. This is a big event in history which leads to new innovative ideas and ways of traveling which really started to shape America.
  • The Automobile.

    The Automobile.
    Ford's Model T dominates the automobile market, selling more than all other models combined. This is the peak for transportation.
  • World War I.

    World War I.
    The United States decides to enter into World War I, leaving a big controversy within America on if we should have entered or not.
  • The Great Depression.

    The Great Depression.
    The stock market plunges, leading to the great depression. This is one of the most traumatizing events within American history.