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American Knights: The Untold Story of the Men of the Legendary 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion

  • Period: to

    New Tactics

    The Germans begin using a new style of war called Blitzkrieg otherwise know as Lightning war, until it was ineffective when the Americans join into the European theater. (
  • Germany invades poland

    Germans invade Poland and Europe prepares for war
  • Draft

    The U.S. fearing war takes action to increase their military strength by signing a draft law that requires all men between 21 and 31 to register for the draft in the event of war
  • New Weaponry for the 601st

    At the start of the formation of the 601st Tank Destroyer battalion they did not have the right equipment for the special tasks they were assigned so the army began contracts for a special new weapon called a Tank Destroyer otherwise known as a TD
  • Carolina army maneuvers

    Carolina army maneuvers
    George S. Patton leads these maneuvers proving that in a major conflict with Panzer's the Sherman proved victorious, this was also the reason for creating the special anti-tank units. These Maneuvers were so boldly called the Carolina maneuvers because of the place they started.
  • First Guns Complete

    First Guns Complete
    In late 1941, the first self propelled anti-tank guns were ready. some were rushed to the Philippians to help in the effort with pushing the Japaneses back (Chapter 1, page 25, paragraph 2, line 1-2).
  • The Long Road

    the 601st being the only battle ready battalion in the division starts their long walk down from Massachusetts to Camp Blanding, Florida where they would await further orders for over seas travel to an unknown destination.
  • U.S.A Joins the war!!

    U.S.A Joins the war!!
    600 Japanese Zeros (the most feared fighter of the time) and several hundred Kate's (Japanese dive and torpedo bomber) decimate Pearl Harbor naval station.
  • Off the Checklist

    Off the Checklist
    In November of 1942 the Office of the Quartermaster General United States Army passes the 601st battalion patch under the 1st divisions badge
  • Brand new toy

    Brand new toy
    At this point in the war the M3's 75 mm gun was becoming more and more out dated and general motors was contracted to build a new platform that could smash through the panzers 88 mm Armour and they came up with the M10 or "wolverine" for short
  • Period: to

    Thomas Welch

    Thomas Welch willingly enlisted in the war and was treated far better than the draftees and received a better life insurance pay too. Right out of boot camp PV2 (private 2nd class) Welch was selected for OCS (Officer Candidate school) which he gladly accepted. He completed all schooling in 20 weeks.
  • Completion of OCS

    Completion of OCS
    Welch Completed OCS at Camp Hood, Texas (the location of the newly founded TD school) the early parts of the winter giving time for him to get to know his company and build a good bond with them as they tested live ammunition at pop up targets.
  • Period: to

    New toy comes into use

    The M10 began seeing use between 1943 and 1945
  • The Valley of tanks

    The Valley of tanks
    Just outside of Ousseltia, Tunisia there is a massive valley choke point where the 601st's C company was to wait for A and B to meet them there. Through all this C company encountered constant Luftwaffe air raids until the Germans mobilized their panzers to push into the town so preciously guarded by the allies. As the Germans pushed the 3 platoons consisting of about 4 M3's began to open fire on the Germans below and in total before the allied retreat they knocked out almost 56 tanks.
  • Invasion of Sicily

    The Italians hated wars because their dictator didn't know what the people wanted and was a total fascist, because of this the Germans fled from Sicily and the Italians became very fond of their new american captors.
  • Period: to

    The long push into germany

    After the invasion of Anzio the 601st began to cross the gustov railway line which was heavily fortified and they didn't stop there, they liberated all of Italy all before D-day which they participated in at Omaha beach and push all the way into France seeing intense resistance. All battalion members were rewarded for their heroics. The 601st went on to help with the liberation on Berlin and also helped push into the "eagles nest" which was Hitlers secret mountain villa town.
  • Period: to

    Landing and battle of Anzio Italy

    This battle took so long because of the preparation and training for d-day so supplies and ammunition was limited. This major push in to Italy took over 136 days to full push the Germans off the beach head