Active Slave Trade
Beginning in 1600's and until the first half of the 1700's Native Americans were being traded as slaves. -
Europeans establish first reservation for Native Americans
Europeans moved Native Americans off of the land they were living on and put them in boundaries named reservations. The Europeans claimed this would be a change in the right direction, there only intent was to take land for themselves. -
Model of Guardianship
The United States decides that they should be in charge of caring for Native Americans. Native Americans are being pushed and pulled by the United States. They try to assimulate all Native American culture, or they try "take care" of them. -
Trail of Tears
Cherokees resisted removal began there march towards present-day Oklahoma. Many deaths took place during this march which is now named Trail of Tears. -
Indian Appropriation Act
The US government passes and Appropriation Act which takes away Native American rights to form treaties with the government. -
Opening of Carlisle
This is the first day the boarding schools created by Europeans for Native American children. The goal of these boarding schools is to completely elimante all aspects of Native American culture and traditions. Children are forced out of there homes to live in terrible conditions. This cause of these boarding schools will be high fatality rates and extreme trauma to Native Americans. -
Native Americans get the Right to vote in the US
Native AMericans get the right to vote in the United States, but not until 1962 did they have complete rights. -
Indian Reogranization Act
The Indian Reorganization Act was created to allow Native Americans land and allow them to practice there culture. -
Assimilation of Native American Culture
Policies were put into place with two main goals, relocation and termination of Native American culture. -
Indian Self-Determination and Eudcation Assistance
Tribes now can manage health care from the Indian Health Service and other federal programs. -
Indian Child Welfare Act
The Indian Child Welfare Act That allows children that are being taken out of there homes to be placed in foster care or living situations in there reservation. -
Social Casework
In 1980 Social Casework devoted an issue to indigeous population.