American Imperialism Project

  • America's acquisition of Alaska

    America's acquisition of Alaska
    America bought Alaska from the Russians in 1867 for $7.2 million. Alaska became a state in 1959. Secretary of State, William Seward, was a supporter of American expansion. He had trouble persuading the House of Representatives to approve the funding of the purchase. People thought this would not be a smart purchase. But this purchase was actually a good decision because the land was rich in timber, minerals, and oil.
  • Period: to

    Growth of American Imperialism

    The reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism were desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, and belief in cultural superiority.
  • America's acquisition of Hawaii.

    America's acquisition of Hawaii.
    In 1867 America took over the Midway Islands. America wanted Hawaii for its sugar. They also wanted to build a naval base at Pearl Harbor. On August 12, 1898, Congress claimed Hawaii as an Americian territory. Then later in 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War started because the United States wanted to help Cuba (one of Spains' territories) gain independence. The people of the United States were very angry at Spain after the De Lome Letter and the bombing of the USS Maine, which they thought was an act by Spain. The USS Maine exploded on February 15, 1898. America and Spain met in Paris for the Treaty of Paris. The Treaty Freed Cuba and gave the US Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines for $20 million.
  • America and China

    America and China
    The Boxer Rebellion was going on in China. Boxers were going around killing missionaries and foreigners. In August 1900, troops from Britain, France, Germany, and Japan marched on the Chinese capital with 2,500 American soldiers. After two months they took down the Boxer Rebellion.
  • Theodore Roosevelt and the World

    Theodore Roosevelt and the World
    Theodore Roosevelt's diplomacy was known as the Big Stick Diplomacy. He thought that the use of force was not necessary to achieve goals but we needed to use the threat of force to get what we wanted. One of the biggest accomplishments was the Panama Canal.
  • America and Cuba

    America and Cuba
    The main reason for the Spanish-American war was to help grant Cuba its independence. Americans had been living in Cuba and a lot of America's exports came from them. In 1901, America insisted that Cuba must add the Platt Amendment to its constitution. This amendment stated rules for Cuba and what they can and cannot do. In 1903 the amendment became a treaty and Cuba became a US protectorate.
  • Woodrow Wilson and the World

    Woodrow Wilson and the World
    Woodrow Wilson's diplomacy was known as missionary diplomacy. He thought the United States had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government. One outcome of this was the Mexican Revolution. Wilson withdrew his troops and recognized the Carranza government.
  • America and Puerto Rico

    America and Puerto Rico
    After the United States gained Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War, they did not promise anything regarding independence. Puerto Rico was under military rule during and after the war. In 1900, Congress passed the Foraker Act ending military rule and setting up a government. Then in 1917, Puerto Ricans were granted the right to US citizenship.
  • America and the Philippines

    America and the Philippines
    Filipinos were very angry with the Treaty of Paris. In February 1899, Filipinos were led by Emilio Aguinaldo in a revolt. The United States did not like this and sent troops into the Philippines to take care of the problem. It took the troops three years to end the rebellion, causing 20,000 Filipino rebels to die and 4,000 Americans. The United States set up a government similar to Puerto Ricos. The Philippines finally became an independent republic on July 4, 1946.