American Imperialism Project

By ktbucio
  • 1559

    The United States acquires of Alaska

    A man named Seward decided to have the US purchase Alaska from Russia. He did this for 7.2 million and this wasn't easy, Seward had a difficult persuading the house of representatives to agree on funding for the purchase. Some didn't take this seriously and called it "Seward's box" but later on Alaska did become a state in 1559.
  • America takes Hawaii

    The same year Alaska was purchased, the United States took complete charge over the Midway island, which is around the pacific ocean about 1300 miles north of Hawaii.
  • American Expansion

    The reason for the growth of American Imperialism is for the desire for military strength, thirst for new markets, and belief in cultural superiority. They wanted strength.
  • America and Puerto Rico

    Rico became part of the United States after the Spanish-American war, Puerto Ricans feared that the United States wouldn't give them the measure of self-rule that they had gained under the Spanish. Luis Munoz Rivera was one of the best vocal advocates at the time.
  • America and Cuba

    Cuba's independence was recognized when the United States went to war against Spain. It seemed to have passed the Teller Amendment, which stated that the United States had no intention of taking over Cuba. It further guaranteed Cuba the independence that its nationalist leaders had demanded for years.
  • Spanish American War

    America had sympathy for Cubans, By the end of the 19th century, Spain once was the most powerful colonial nation on Earth had decreased its colonies. It was recommended that the United States bought Cuba from Spain. Later in February, a letter was made public that was very negative about the president of the US. a few days after this the U.S.S Maine exploded in the harbor of Havana and people thought the Spanish did it.
  • America and the Philippines

    the Filipinos, led by Aguinaldo, rose in revolt. The United States assumed almost the same role that Spain had played, imposing its authority on a colony that was fighting for freedom. When Aguinaldo turned to guerrilla tactics, the United States forced Filipinos to live in designed zones, where poor sanitation, starvation, and disease killed thousands.
  • America and China

    The United States began to fear that China
    would be carved into colonies and American traders would be shut out. To protect American interests, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay issued, in 1899, a series
    of policy statements called the Open Door notes. The notes were letters addressed to the leader of imperialist nations proposing that the nations share their trading rights with the United States, this opened a door.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    The assassination of William McKinley in 1901 thrust vice president Theodore Roosevelt into the role of a world leader. Roosevelt was unwilling to allow the imperial powers of Europe to control the world's political and economic destiny. Building on the Open Door notes to increase American influence in East Asia, Roosevelt mediated a settlement in a war between Russia and Japan.
  • Woodrow Wilson and the world

    In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson gave the Monroe Doctrine a moral tone. According to Wilson’s “missionary diplomacy,” the United States had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government it viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests. Wilson’s policy pressured nations in the Western Hemisphere to establish democratic governments. Almost
    immediately, the Mexican Revolution put Wilson’s policy to the test