American Imperialism

  • Monroe Doctrine

    A foreign Policy doctrine set forth by President Monroe in 1823 that discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. This shows American Imperialism because it let America control the Western Hemisphere, and talks about how they would attack European forces that tried to interfere.
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    The United States Becomes a World Power

    America makes many naval and economical advances. This is an example of American Imperialism because by 1890 America had the most successful and progressive economy in the world. However, it did not have a good military at the time.
  • The US takes Cuba

    Meanwhile, American troops landed in Cuba in June 1898. U.S. Marines captured Guantánamo Bay, and a force of 17,000 soldiers under U.S. Army General William Shafter stormed ashore east of Santiago. This is an example of imperialism because the US is using it’s military skills to take over another country
  • The Treaty of Paris

    An agreement signed by the US and Spain that ended the Spanish- American war. This shows imperialism because it demonstrates how the US won the war.
  • Teller amendment

    Forbid the US from taking Cuba, but still allowed them to take the Philippines. This shows imperialism, because America is back at it again try to take land just because their military is strong enough to do so.
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    The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States in 1898. Hostilities began in the aftermath of the internal explosion of USS Maine in Havana Harbor in Cuba, leading to U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence This shows imperialism because the US won the war with their great strategies and army.
  • Equal Trade in China

    American trade was threatened in China, but diplomats were sent to notify the leaders of imperialist nations that the United States expected “perfect equality of treatment for commerce” in China. This is an example of American Imperialism because the US is using its political power to try and open trade with China.
  • Filipino's revolt

    The Filipinos revolt against the US and use guerrilla warfare. The Americans used great measures to stop the fighting. This is an example of Imperialism because the US had the military and political power to completely throw the Filipinos over, as they unfortunately did.
  • The Jones Act

    A law passed by Congress to give the Philippines independence. This shows American Imperialism because America is politically strong enough to create new acts and laws.
  • The Open Door Policy

    The government did not want colonies in China, but did want free trade there. This shows American imperialism because they try anything and everything to open trade with them. They’re diplomatic just to try to open trade.