American Imperialism

  • Purchasing Alaska (410)

    Purchasing Alaska (410)
    The United States bought Alaska due to Seward lobbying and because of Russia’s help in the Civil War. It gave the United States more land.
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  • Cleveland, Olney, and the Monroe Doctrine (412)

    This involved a boundary dispute between Venezuela and the British colony of Guiana and was a very important use of the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Spanish-American War (412)

    Spanish-American War (412)
    The United States had huge investments in Cuba, but they were being destroyed due to conflict with Spain. The United States expanded in influence throughout the Americas.
  • Annexation of Hawaii (414)

    The United States wanted to Annex Hawaii because it had many American investments. War in the Philippines gave the President McKinley a reason to annex it despite being opposed to Imperialism.
  • Big Stick Policy (417)

    Theodore Roosevelt’s policy was more aggressive when it came to foreign affairs. This expanded the United State’s influence in the world.
  • Panama Canal (418)

    In order to keep hold to the islands the United States were colonizing they needed to build a canal through Central America. This called for a treaty with Britain called the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty and had to sign the Hay-Buna-Varilla Treaty with Panama. The canal helped the United States gain a 51 mile long and 10 mile wide strip of Panama called the Canal Zone.
  • Dollar Diplomacy (420)

    William Howard Taft believed that financial investment in China and Central America would improve the United States standing in these areas. He succeeded in getting involvement in Manchuria, China and Nicaragua.