American Imperialism

By 17nlane
  • Period: to

    American Imperialism

  • Acquisition of West Florida

    Acquisition of West Florida
    President Madison declares West Florida an American possession in 1810. The army cam in and took over after West Florida declared its independence from Spain.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a US foreign policy regarding Latin America. It stated the any further European colonization would be regarded as an act of aggression. It also stated that the US wouldn't interfere with any current European colonies.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The US had beaten Mexico in the Mexican-American War. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, which ended the war, guaranteed the US land in present day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.
  • Annexation of Spanish Colonies

    Annexation of Spanish Colonies
    After deafeating the Spanish in the Spanish-American War, America gained possession of many of their colonies. As an outcome, the US annexed the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Cuba however was not annexed.
  • American Samoa

    American Samoa
    During the Second Samoan Civil War, it was agreed in the Treaty of Berlin for America to control an alotted region. This is known as American Samoa, a region reluctant to seperate from the United States to this day.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal is a canal system and series of locks connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific. Cutting through the Caribbean made for faster transportation and trade.
  • Statehood of Hawaii/Alaska

    Statehood of Hawaii/Alaska
    After purchasing Alaska in the 1870's, it was granted statehood in 1959. Having taken control of Hawaii in the late 1800's, it became a state August 21, 1959.