American history timeline

By beixxa
  • one of the first times i facetimed Odibel

    one of the first times i facetimed Odibel
    This was a very special time for me. We facetimed and talk about many things and we got pretty close and now shes like my soulmate in a friend way. I love her so much and shes always been there for me and always finds a way to cheer me up. I am very very grateful for her.
  • one of the first times i facetimed Odibel

    one of the first times i facetimed Odibel
    This was when we started getting close and to this day we are very very very close. I love her so much and I am super grateful that shes in my life, shes been there for me. I tell her everything, shes like my soulmate
  • when i got my dog

    when i got my dog
    this is an important date because my dog makes me feel happy and whenever i am down we can cuddle and makes me feel better.
  • when i got my dog

    when i got my dog
    she means a lot to me and makes me feel better when im down
  • my 15"s

    my 15"s
    its an important date to me because it was when i had my 15's. Although my birthday doesn't seem important to me i still had a great time with my friends and family. I made many great memories. I will always remember that day
  • my 15's

    my 15's
    Even though I dont really think my birthday is important I really enjoyed my 15's I made lot of memories with friends and family. I will never forget that day and how long it took do find a dress and do my hair and makeup. I really liked it.
  • secret santa

    secret santa
    This isn't the first time we did secret Santa. My friends and i have been doing this since freshman year, i think its cute. This is important to me because i still talk to all of them and it means a lot to me that we're still friends. we've all been though stuff but no matter what we're still here.
  • secret santa

    secret santa
    My friends and i have been doing secret Santa since freshman year. I find it cute. I like all 5 of us are still friends with each other, and we're all here for one another. I like knowing that if i fall down i have them to help me get back up.
  • first day working

    first day working
    This was my first day of work and I really like my job. Not only am i making money but i have made good friends and i enjoy working.