American History timeline

  • Edison invented electric light

    Edison invented electric light
    First electric light bulb and many other great inventions made by Edison.
  • 1st transatlantic cable connects North America to Europe

    First time translantic cable connected Europe and North America alllowing telegraphic messages.
  • assassination of President Lincoln

    Lincoln was shot by actor John Wikes Booth in Washington D.C.
  • Alaska was purchased by the U.S from Russia

    This date marked the end of Russia to expand trade and settlements to North America.
  • impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    The united house of representatives impeached a sitting president and had to go to trial
  • 14th amendment ratified

    The amendment grants citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States.
  • Completion of the transcontinental railroad

    This was the first complete railroad that has been a dream for peopleliving in the American West.
  • fifteenth Amendment ratified

    The 15th amendment to the constitution granted African American the rights to vote.
  • Bell patents the telephone

    Bell patents the telephone
    Alexander Graham 29 year old recieves a patent for his revolutionary new invention the telephone.
  • Battle of little big horn

    U.S army, the Sioux, and Cheyenne one of the indians last armed efforts to preserve their way of life.
  • Assaassination of President Garfield

    Assaassination of President Garfield
    Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau and died after four months of being the 20th president.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This was a federal law signed by President Cheste of free immigration.
  • standard oil organized by rockefeller

    it was the largest oil refiner in the world.
  • Pendleton Act enacted

    this was established a based system of selecting government officials and supervising their work.
  • Brooklyn Bridge opened

    Brooklyn Bridge is in New York city East River linking the two boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn.
  • Jane Addams opens Hull house

    Hull House was a settlement house iin the U.S that was co founded opened its doors to recently arrived European immigrants.
  • Sherman Anti trust act passed

    Sherman Antitrust Act first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trust
  • Elllis Island opened

    This was an Island in the Upper New York Bay this was gateway fro millions of immigrantsto the U.S.
  • Hawaiian islands claimed by the us

    The United States claimed a number of islands as insular areas under the guano Islands Act.
  • Duryea brothers build first american auntomobile

    Duryea brothers build first american auntomobile
    This was the first American firm built gasoline auntomobile.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    This was a landmark U.S supreme court decision to upholding the state of laws.
  • Spanish American war

    The Us declairing war on the on Spain
  • asassination of President McKinley

    asassination of President McKinley
    President Lincoln was shot by Leon Czolgosz while shaking hands with the public.
  • 1st radio signals sent by Marconi

    First in sending radio transmission across the Alantic Ocean and works.
  • 1st powered flight by the wright brothers

    First powered airplane 20 feet above a wind swept beach in North Carolina.
  • Treaty signed by the us and panam allowing us to build canal

    allowed to build canal
  • statue of liberty given to the U.S

    statue of liberty given to the U.S
    Statue was given to the U.S from France.