American History Timeline 3

  • Monroe Doctine

    Monroe Doctine
    Stated that America would not accept any more dictatorships in Europe as legitimate.
  • United States purchases Alaska from Russia

    United States purchases Alaska from Russia
    They bought it to have access to more natural resources for 7.2 million dollars
  • Midway Islands annexed by U.S.

    Midway Islands annexed by U.S.
    Taken control of after the local government and monarchy were overthrown (with the help of US troops).
  • U.S. Tariffs cause Hawaiian sugarcane prices to rise

    U.S. Tariffs cause Hawaiian sugarcane prices to rise
    This increase in tariffs on the sugarcane led to an economic disaster in Hawaii that in turn led it in the direction of being a US territory.
  • Grover Cleveland elected president for the second time.

    Grover Cleveland elected president for the second time.
    This was significant because he is the first and only president to be re-elected with a gap between their years in office.
  • Period: to

    American economic depression of 1893

    On of a number of shorter depressions that took place before the Great Depression of the 1920’s.
  • Cuban Separatists revolt against Spanish rule.

    Cuban Separatists revolt against Spanish rule.
    Came as a result of years of growing tension between native Cubans and their Spanish overlords.
  • Spain institutes reconcentration of Cubans

    Spain sends thousands of Cubans who rebelled into concentration camps.
  • Filipino rebels revolt against Spain

    Filipino rebels revolt against Spain
    Insurgents and revolutionaries in the Philippines lead a revolution against Spanish rule.
  • President McKinley elected to first term

    President McKinley elected to first term
    Was the 25th president of the United States, and was one of a few presidents who was assassinated.
  • McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain's permission

    McKinley sends USS Maine to Havana with Spain's permission
    This would lead to the occupation of Cuba lasting from 1902 to the 1960’s.
  • De Lôme Letter

    De Lôme Letter
    This letter revealed what the Spanish ambassador to the United States thought of America’s actions in Cuba
  • U.S. Annexes Hawaii

    This would be followed by over a half century of territorial status before becoming a state in 1969
  • Spanish American War begins

    Lasted for less than a year and took place as a result of America and Spain’s actions in the territories of Cuba and the Philippines.
  • U.S. captures Philippines from Spain

    Later gained their independence following the Second World War
  • Teller Amendment Passed

    Stated that America would help Cuba gain independence and then withdraw their troops from the Island
  • Equiano Aguinaldo captured by U.S. forces in Philippines

    This event outraged the Republic of the Philippines and led to a war between them and America lasting for three years.
  • China divided into “spheres of influence”

    This is when China was essentially separated into different sections where different European powers had influence on different parts of the country.
  • Open Door Policy

    Related to trade with China and called from equal privileges and protections for everyone involved.
  • Boxer Rebellion in China

    A violent campaign started by the Chinese to drive out all foreigners.
  • President McKinley elected to a second term

    McKinley was the first new president of the 20th century.
  • Foraker Act

    Established a citizen’s government on the island of Puerto Rico
  • Theodore Roosevelt became president

    Known for his liberal policies, hard stance on business and the environment, and use of the “Bully Pulpit”
  • Platt Amendment

    Gave seven conditions that would have to be met for American troops to be fully withdrawn from Cuba.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    Treaty giving America full rights and control over the Panama Canal Zone.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    An addition to the Monroe Doctrine stating that America would involve itself in conflicts between European powers and Latin American countries.