The 15th Amendment
this amendment allowed all blacks to vote. this took many years after they were givin freedom and citizin ship. those were givin to them by the 13th and 14th amendments. -
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
the arch duke and his wife were assassinated by a group of people called the "black hand". these had come out of surbia. this act is the begining of world war 1 -
The completion of the Panama Canal
completed in ten years at a cost of about $387 million. the french were the first to attempt to build the cannal. but after 20,000 human casualtys they sold that to america -
U.S. entry into WWI
for three years before we entered the war we had tried to stay a neutral party. propaganda was used as a way to try to get people to try to okay the war. the sinking of many of our ships with american xitizens on them got us to join the war -
Treaty of Versailles
this treaty ended world war one. this treaty stated that germany had to repay all of the money it had costed the allies during the war. this eventually bankrupt germany and caused hitler to rise to power. -
The 19th Amendment
this amendment was passed by congress after years of fighting. this ammendment gave women the right to vote. -
Hitler invades Poland
hitler had decided to take over and begin his crusade to take over the world. he started with the invasion of poland. at the same time russia was invading poland as well. -
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
before this attach america was attempting to keep itself out of the war. pearl harbor was a naval base on hawaii. after the japanese bombing america had no choice but to join the war. -
U.S. drops first Atomic bomb in Japan
we droped the bomb on heroshima japan. just the first of two atomic bombs to be droped. this and its predicessor were what finally ended the war -
U.S. drops second Atomic bomb in Japan
the us dropped its second atomic bomb on japan. this time on the city nagasaki. this bomb was the turning point and officialy ended the war in japan. -
First U.S. military advisors were sent into Vietnam
we sent over militant advisors to help the south vietnamese during their fighting with the north veitnamese. eventually in 1962 we sent over even more military advisors. when this didnt work we eventually joined in the fighting -
John F. Kennedy assassinated
he was our 35th president and had been one of the most forward moving presidents of all time. he was in dallas texas when he was shot. jfk was shot and killed by the man lee harvey oswald -
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
martin luther king was a hero the the black comunity. he stood for civil rights and equality. he was assassinated for what he had spent his life working towards -
First combat troops sent to Vietnam
after the advisers were sent in and didn't work america decided we needed to join the fight. we sent in our solders in an attempt to end communism. in the end our attempts were all in vain. -
Vietnam War ends
after 20 years of fighting america realized there was no chance of winning. we slowly began to pull out. this lead to veitnam becoming comunist lead once again. -
U.S. supports Afghanistan from invasion of the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)
the soviet union was asked to join in the fighting of a civil war by the Mujahideen. they entered into what would become there vietnam. americans supplied the afghans with military weapons though it was not direct. -
U.N. resolution 678
gave the okay for other states to fight against iraq -
U.N. declares victory in the Persian Gulf War
this war lasted a very short time. this war started when iraq invaded kuwait. our attack first started with air strikes then later we began our ground assult. -
U.N. begins bombing against Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait
the us bombed iraqi solders to try to hold them off kuwait. this lasted a whikle. but eventually the ground assault had to begin.