American History II (1918-1939)

  • Period: to

    New Era to New Deal

  • NY Times falsely reports that rockets can never fly

    NY Times falsely reports that rockets can never fly
  • League of Women Voters form in Chicago

    League of Women Voters form in Chicago
  • Ku Klux Klan surprise attack on black residential area Rosewood Fla, 8 killed (compensation awarded in 1995)

    Ku Klux Klan surprise attack on black residential area Rosewood Fla, 8 killed (compensation awarded in 1995)
  • Imperial Theater opens at 249 W 45th St NYC

    Imperial Theater opens at 249 W 45th St NYC
  • Nellie Tayloe Ross became governor of Wyoming, 1st woman governor in USA

    Nellie Tayloe Ross became governor of Wyoming, 1st woman governor in USA
  • Moving picture of a solar eclipse taken from dirigible over Long Island

    Moving picture of a solar eclipse taken from dirigible over Long Island
  • Three men dance Charleston for 22 hours

    Three men dance Charleston for 22 hours
  • Teaching evolution forbidden in Atlanta, GA schools

    Teaching evolution forbidden in Atlanta, GA schools
  • US Marines sent to Nicaragua

    US Marines sent to Nicaragua
  • 1st balloon flight over 40,000 feet (Scott Field, Ill)

    1st balloon flight over 40,000 feet (Scott Field, Ill)
  • The Depression

    The Depression
  • First state liquour stores open in Pennsylvania

    First state liquour stores open in Pennsylvania
  • Congress approves "Lindbergh Act" making kidnapping a capital offense

    Congress approves "Lindbergh Act" making kidnapping a capital offense
  • Babe Ruth is signed as a Dodgers coach for the rest of the season

    Babe Ruth is signed as a Dodgers coach for the rest of the season
  • Start of WWII

    Start of WWII