American History from 1877 to the present

  • Wounded Knee Massacre.

    Wounded Knee Massacre.
    This massacre marked the last showdown between Native Americans and the United States Army. It was nearly 400 years after Christopher Columbus first contacted the first Americans. The 1890 United States census declared the frontier officially closed.
  • First telephone message

    First telephone message
    1st telephone message from a submerged submarine, by Simon Lake.ohn Holland and another American, Simon Lake, became the first modern submarine designers. They began their experiments in the last decades of the nineteenth century, John Holland in the 1870s and Simon Lake in the 1890s.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Spanish-American War: The United States declares state of war on Spain effective from 21st April.
  • President William McKinley assassinated

    President William McKinley assassinated
    Suddenly, Leon Czolgosz thrust his bandaged right hand into the president's chest. Onlookers heard two sharp popping sounds, like small firecrackers, and a thin veil of gray smoke rose up in front of the president. McKinley looked confused and rose up on his toes, clutched his chest, and leaned forward. Members of his entourage moved to support the slumping president and help him to a nearby. He died later that night.
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    Henry Ford installs the first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire automobile. His innovation reduced the time it took to build a car from more than 12 hours to two hours and 30 minutes.
  • WWI Ends

    WWI Ends
    World War I, also known as the First World War, was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 June 1919. From the time of its occurrence until the approach of World War II, it was called simply the World War or the Great War
  • US & Mexico Battle

    US & Mexico Battle
    US & Mexico battle over oil interests
  • Hitler appointed as chancelor

    In 1933 Hitler was chosen to be Chancellor of Germany due to his support from citizens that were angry about The Treaty of Versailles and WW1. Hitlers propaganda accused Jews for the blame of WW1 being pinned on Germany which spurred many people to become antisemetic. With his group of racists, Hitler formed the Nazi party and eventually began deploying Gestapo troops to terrorize the Jews
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust took place in the broader context of World War II. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Hitler captured and killed 6 million jews.
  • Gassing of Jews Begin

    Gassing of Jews Begin
    he first instance of gassings began at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of all the German concentration camps. Jews were made to walk into large underground rooms under the impression that they were to take shower where they were killed through the inhalation of Zyklon B, a cyanide based compound. Over half of the 6 million jews that were killed during The Holocaust were killed by gas chamber. G
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The 7 December 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor was one of the great defining moments in history. A single carefully-planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion. America, unprepared and now considerably weakened, was abruptly brought into the Second World War as a full combatant.
  • The battle of Ruhr Begins

    The battle of Ruhr Begins
    The Battle of the Ruhr was a 5-month long campaign of strategic bombing during the Second World War against the Nazi Germany Ruhr Area, which had coke plants, steelworks, and 10 synthetic oil plants. The campaign bombed twenty-six major Combined Bomber Offensive targets.
  • Cigarette advertisements banned on TV

    Cigarette advertisements banned on TV
    On january 1 1972, all Cigarette advertisements were banned on TV. They realized how unhealthy they were and were no longer able to advertise them.
  • Pentagon accepts theory that atomic war would cause a nuclear winter

    Pentagon accepts theory that atomic war would cause a nuclear winter
    The Pentagon agreed with Administration critics that an atomic war would cause a "nuclear winter" which might wipe out all life on Earth, but told Congress that is all the more reason to continue President Reagan's weapons buildup and try to win arms cuts.
  • Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducts 1st female artist Aretha Franklin

    Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inducts 1st female artist Aretha Franklin
    Aretha Louise Franklin is an American singer and musician. Franklin began her career singing gospel at her father, minister C. L. Franklin's church as a child. In 1960, at age 18, Franklin embarked on a secular career, recording for Columbia Records only achieving modest success. The rock and roll hall of fame inducted her, the 1st female artist.
  • David Dinkins sworn in as 1st black mayor of NYC

    David Dinkins sworn in as 1st black mayor of NYC
    David Norman Dinkins is an American politician who served as the 106th Mayor of New York City, from 1990 to 1993. He was the first and is, to date, the only African American to hold that office.
  • Martin Luther King Jr holiday observed in all 50 states for 1st time

    Martin Luther King Jr holiday observed in all 50 states for 1st time
    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King's birthday, January 15. All 50 states celebrated.
  • Malcolm X's daughter arrested for plotting Louis Farrakham's murder

    Malcolm X's daughter arrested for plotting Louis Farrakham's murder
    The daughter of the murdered black radical Malcolm X has been arrested and charged with plotting to kill Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam organisation and sworn foe of her father before his assassination almost 30 years ago.
  • All California bars, clubs & card rooms must be smoke-free

    All California bars, clubs & card rooms must be smoke-free
    California's landmark statewide smokefree law, AB 13, protects millions of Californians from secondhand smoke exposure. In January 1995, many of California's enclosed public places and workplaces went smokefree, and restaurants and bars went 100% smokefree in January 1998.
  • Terrorist attack

    Terrorist attack
    Two passenger planes hijacked by terrorists crashes into New York's World Trade Towers causing the collapse of both & death of 2,752 people
  • Credit cards of at least 20 million South Koreans are hacked

    Credit cards of at least 20 million South Koreans are hacked
    An employee from personal credit ratings firm Korea Credit Bureau (KCB) has been arrested and accused of stealing the data from customers of three credit card firms while working for them as a temporary consultant.