Period: to
20th Century Begins!
William McKinley Assassinated
He was assassinated on September 6, 1901. Theodore Roosevelt becomes president. -
Wright Bros Make Airplane
The Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) make the very first airplane. -
San Francisco Earthquake
In 1906 San Francisco an earthquake happened. -
Henry Ford introduces the Model T
In 1908 Henry Ford made the Model T car which revolutionized the car business. -
Period: to
The 1910s, the First World War
Woodrow Wilson becomes President
He was elected into office on this day. -
World War I
The First World War started up in Europe. -
United States enters WWI
The USA entered World War I because of German sinking one of our ships. -
World War I ends
The First World War ended on November 11, 1918 -
Period: to
The Roaring Twenties
Women get to vote!
The Nineteenth Amendment was added for the right to get women to vote -
Great Gatsby book published
F. Scott Fitzgerald made the controversial book The Great Gatsby. -
Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs
Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs in a season, which will not be broken for 30 years. -
Great Depression starts
The Stock Market crashed and the USA went into a Great Depression. -
Period: to
Depression hits hard
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly nonstop across the United States. -
FDR was inaugurated
By the time Roosevelt was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, the Depression had reached desperate levels, including 13 million unemployed. -
FDR signs to keep out of WWII
President Franklin Roosevelt signed an act of neutrality, keeping the United States out of World War II. -
Lou Gehrig ends his 2,130 consecutive game streak
Baseball player Henry Louis Gehrig, he had played 2,130 consecutive games.. -
Period: to
US enters WWII and the Fifties begin
Hitler declares war on US
Hitler declares war on the United States via Germany blowing up a US ship. -
Atomic Bombing on Hiroshima
The United States wanted to end World War II, so they used the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. -
Jackie Robinson becomes first African American Baseball player
Jackie Robinson first joined the MLB in 1947, as a member of the Brooklyn Dodgers (Now Los Angeles Dodgers) -
NATO was formed
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was made on this day, it has 28 countries in it, such as USA, Canada, Italy, etc -
Period: to
The Fifties and the Red Scare
Brown vs Board of Edu.
Brown vs Board of Education was a big deal for segregation and African-Americans as a whole -
Montgomery Bus boycott
Rosa Parks started this, and Martin Luther King, Jr. was also in it. -
Little Rock Nine
In Little Rock, AR there is a school that was getting a few African-Americans to go to -
Hawaii becomes the final State
Eisenhower signed off Hawaii as a state on August 21, 1959 -
Period: to
John F. Kennedy assassinated and the Cold War
I Have A Dream speech
He made the I Have A Dream speech at the March on Washington -
JFK assassinated
He was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963. -
Martin Luther King, Jr assassinated
He was assassinated outside his hotel room -
RFK assassinated
He was assassinated on June 6, 1968 when he finished a speech for the Hispanics -
Period: to
Hippies rule the Earth and the Nixon scandal
Kent State Shooting
The shooting was done on Kent State University by the officers there -
Richard Nixon resigns from office
President Richard Nixon resigned on this day because of the Watergate scandal -
Microsoft was made
Bill Gates made the company Microsoft -
ESPN first started broadcasting
ESPN was used for broadcasting for the first day ever -
Period: to
Video game bust and Nintendo rises
Pac-Man releases
Pac-Man released on Oct 28, 1980 -
Ronald Reagan assassination attempt
President Ronald Reagan almost gets assassinated by a crazy man because he wanted Jodie Foster to notice him. -
Michael Jackson makes Thriller
Michael Jackson broke the color barrier for all African American artists with this 1982 album -
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles become huge!
The TMNT became huge in 1989 -
Period: to
The Nineties were the BEST! ...says Nineties kids
Explosion in World Trade Center
In 1993, there was a truck bomb placed in the WTC by Ramzi Yousef, it exploded and killed 6 people. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
In 1995, there was a bombing in OKC in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, it was done by Tommy McVeigh and Terry Nichols -
Columbine Massacre
Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris hatched this wretched plan to shoot up their high school, and they did it on April 20, 1999. Hitler's birthday, fun fact -
George W. Bush elected
He was elected in 2000, and became president in 2001.