Revival of the Ku Klux Klan
the Ku Klux Klan was revived and started hating immigrants along with supporting the 18th ammendment -
Red Scare
The period after WW1 where America was scared of revolution or communism -
Sacco and Vanzetti trail
people wrongly accused because of ethnicity -
in order -
Monkey Trail
Religion vs Science
John scopes ( science ) vs fundamentalists -
Period: to
Great Depression
bad period of economic growth during 1900s -
Period: to
Dust bowl
period of time where the plains were mostly covered in dust -
New Deal
FDR created the new deal at the begining of his presidency, the Deal included FERA, PWA,CCC, and WPA -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Was president during the great depression, he made many new projects/groups to help stabalize the economy, he also did fireside chats to help calm america down -
Capitalism Business Cycle
rescession ( re ) slow down
depression ( D ) is severe and low
recovery ( ry ) is a slow growth
prosperity ( P ) extended period of growth -
FDR's Critics
FDR's critics opposed him greatly, along with the supreme court declaring most of his new groups "unconstitutional" -
21st Ammendment
the 21st amendment repealed or made alcohol legal again -
National Industrial Recovery Act ( NIRA )
Granted workers the right to form unions
employers couldn't refuse to hire union workers
replaced by wagner act in 1935 -
Social Security Act ( SSA )
Granted the old and unemployed insurance -
Taft-Harley Act
union officials were required to file financial reports
unions had to notify employers of any strikes