american history b

  • television, telephone, car, computer, Internet, and radio

    this big boom of technoligy started in 1903 and ended in 1960 this is the most remarklble time for humans.
  • the great migration

    the great migration was when the afericans were migrating north from 1916-1970
  • 18th amendment, 19th amendment, and 21st amendment

    these amendmets were passed fro 1920 to 1933 they were made so that you can get liquer and women can vote.
  • emergency quata act

    this was so that onley 3% of immigrants can come into our counttry.
  • immigration act of 1924

    it moved to where onley 2% of immigrants can get into our country.
  • Black Tuesday, Black Thursday, and 1933 (state of economy)

    black tuesday and black thuresday was government declaired bank hollidays tthe economic state was bad.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt elected president, and Hoover Dam constructed

    roevelt was ellected president in 1928 thru1932 hoover dam was constructed in 1931 thru 1938
  • GI Bill of Rights and Frisbee invented

    the g.i bill was passed in 1943 the frisbee was invented in 1948