American History - Acts

  • Proclamation

    It separated the Natives and the British. Protecting colonist from the Indians and it increased attacked from the whites. It also created 3 new colonies, Quebec, West and East Florida. colonist didn't have good farmland, it failed the westward expansion.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act made taxes be put on foods and goods. It made taxes on Molasses go down but on foreign goods to be taxed including sugar, certain wines, coffee, pimiento, cambric, and printed calico, and further, regulated the export of lumber and iron. This act reduced markets where everyone could sell ad also to reduce trade with some colonies. It reduced colonist profits they thought they had no right to tax colonists had no real effect but to the merchants and traders.
  • Stamp Act

    British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to replenish their fiances after the very costly 7 year war. Paper products were taxed, people like lawyers, merchants, printers, and ministers were highly effected by this act.
  • Quartering Act

    This act made the colonist house all British soldiers. Colonist were very upset because they had to pay the tax and barracks for the army. They had to support these troops food and housing.
  • Townshend Acts

    This Act was a series of laws passed by the British government on the American colonies. They placed taxes on new things like foods and materials. It took away some of the colonist freedoms as well. Colonist boycotted British goods and this was there reaction to this act.
  • The Boston Massacre

    This was a riot and a battle between American and a British soldier. The American colonist way out numbered the British. They were fighting for no taxation with out representation.
  • The Gaspee Afair

    Sons of Liberty started enforcing custom laws and the Stamp Act and they were being very aggressive towards the people.
  • The Tea Act

    This was an act to eliminate a lot of tea that was being held by companies that were struggling.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    They were fighting for "taxation without representation" and they dumped 342 chest of tea imported by the British.
  • First Continental Congress