American History A\-Hailey

  • Tariffs

    Description: a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
  • James J. Hill

    James J. Hill
    -Canadian born but settled in St.Paul
    -Built Great Northern Railroad
  • J.D Rockefeller

    J.D Rockefeller
    -Founded standard oil company
    -Gave away $500 million dollars
  • Period: to

    The Progressive Era (1858-1919)

    Workers issues: child labor
    Urbanization: overcrowded
    Business issues
  • Migration 1860-1915

    -Migration from farms to cities is called urbanization (growth of cities)
    -between 1860-1915 rural population doubled (urban population grew 700%)
    -by 1915 more than 1 in 3 people living in cities came from farms, here’s why
    -young, single women saw little futures on farms
    -many migrants were black southern sharecroppers seeking a better life
    -farms were becoming larger and more mechanized which meant less human power was needed
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    It was fought over slavery
  • 13th Amendment 1865

    13th Amendment 1865
    Abolish slavery
    It impacted their economy
  • Abraham Lincoln 1865

    Abraham Lincoln 1865
    He died on April 15, 1865
    10 percent plan
  • 14th Amendment 1868

    14th Amendment 1868
    Equal protection
    Gave everyone full protection
    Impact: Newly freedmen
  • Four Goals of Progressivism

    1.) Protecting social welfare
    2.) Promoing moral improvement
    3.) Creating economic reform
    4.) Fostering efficiency
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Gave suffrage
    Impact: the newly freedmen have a say which greater the say in their government
    Black codes: prevented African Americans the right to vote, own guns, or hold certain jobs
  • Cornelius Vanderbilt

    Cornelius Vanderbilt
    -Started out in shipping buying his first ferry boat at age 16 then he saw railroads as a future and bought many RR's before/after Civil War
    -He became the wealthiest man in America
    -He made a deal with John Rockefeller to transport his oil
  • Reconstruction Era 1865-1877

    Reconstruction Era 1865-1877
    Bringing the South back into the union
    Reunite the South
    Rebuilding the South (Inferstucter)
    Protect the newly freedmen (Civil Rights)
  • Seven Natural Resources

    Seven Natural Resources
    1.) Money
    2.) Capital
    3.) Labor-supply
    4.) Land-resource
    5.) Authority
    6.) Transportation
    7.) Consumers
  • Causes of the War

    -The USS Maine explodes
    -Protect American business in Cuba
    -American supports Cubas independence from Spain
    -Yellow Journalist call for war

    More Facts -The war lasted from April to August 1890
    -The nickname was A Splendid Little War
  • Waves

    Wave #1
    -old Immigrants
    -almost all came from Northern and Western Europe
    -before 1880
    Wave #2
    -new Immigrants
    -more than one-third came from Southern and Eastern Europe
    -different languages, religion, and customs set them apart from the most old immigrants feeding intolerance
    -surplus of labor by mid 1880s
    -target of discrimination among some old immigrants
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Born into extreme wealth in New York city
    The square deal
    Settled coal Strike of 1902
    Roosevelt volunteers as a Rough Rider
    He became president after McKinley was shot in 1901
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    -born poor Scottish family who immigrated to the U.S
    -He worked his way to become privet secretary to the local superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad
    -Entered the steel business in 1887
    -Sold his steel business to J.P morgan in 1901
  • Wilson Actions

    Bull Moose Party: Name of R's party in Election
    Clayton Antitrust Act: Strengtend Sherman Anit-trust Act
    FCT: Gov. agency that watches over businesses
    Payne-Aldrich Tariff: Raised the tariff to almost 50 %
    Democrat: Name of Wilsons political party
    Underwood Tariff: Lowered the tariff for the first time since the Civil War
    Federal Reserve Act: Improved Americas banking system
    New Freedom: Name of Wilsons plan to help people
    16th: income tax
    17th: direct election of senators
  • Labor

    -Immigrants provided a large pool of labor for the industry
    -coal mines were for the boys and the textiles were for the girls and women
    -they had low pay, long hours, and poor and unsafe working-conditions
  • Progressivism 1890-1920

    How to fix the wrong of society Suffragettes
    Temperance Movement (WCTM)
    Labor Unions
    Civil rights Origins of Progressivism Restore economic opportunities to ALL injustices
    They wane\ted to correct injustices in American life *Progressivism is a local and national movement by reformers in America to make the government respond to the needs of the people. Muckrakers;
    Exposed gov. and business
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    -union leader
    -saw the uneven balance of wealth among big businesses, gov, and ordinary people
  • Florence Kelly

    Florence Kelly
    -Advocate for improving the lives of woman and children
    -She was appointed a chief inspector of factories of Illinois
    -Helped to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act 1893
    Illinois Factory Act: prohibited child labor limited women working
  • Populists party

    -a lot of farm goods meaning prices dropped and farmers and little , money
    -supported shorter workdays
    -supported income tace (16th Amendment)
    -supported direct election
    -gov loans to farmers
    -Candidate was Willam Jennings Bryan
    -William was a republican
  • Willam Jennings Bryan

    Willam Jennings Bryan
    Was a candidate for the populist party
    Populist party were democrats
  • Imperialism

    A period of time when strong countries take over weak countries
  • Rough Riders

    TR volunteers as a Rough Rider
    -Took place in Puerto Rico on July 1st, 1898
    -Defeats Spain at the Battle of San Juan Hill in Puerto Rico
  • Facts about the Spanish American War (helping Cuba)

    -We helped Cuba out because we trade with them and we get supplies from them.
    -Cuba wanted independence but Spain is in control of Cuba
    -America wants to protect their business by supporting Cubas independence
    -McKinley wants to avoid war (1898)
    -Extreme journalist want war (Yellow Journalism)
    Those people were:
    -Joseph Pulitzer
    -Willam Randolph Hearst
    Mckinley sends the USS Maine to Cuba but it gets blown up on Feb 15, 1898, then the YJ blamed Spain and they called the war on April 20
  • The outcome of war

    Cuba gains its independence
    America becomes a world power
    Territories (the US controls all 3)
    -The Philippines
    -Puerto Rico
    After the war McKinley is shot in 1901 and Roosevelt becomes president
    After the Spain American war, America was a world power
  • People

    Jane Addams- organized Hull House
    Ida Tarbell- wrote a history of Standard Oil Co.
    Jacob Riis- wrote about poverty and slums in cities
    Robert La Follette- reform governor of Wisconsin Theodore Roosevelt: President from 1901-1908
    William Howard Taft: President from 1908-1912
    Woodrow Wilson: President from 1912-1920
  • Terms

    Reform: to change for the better
    Hull house: Settled house to help the poor in Chicago in 1889
    Recall: vote to remove politicians from office
    Referendum: citizens vote yes or no on a law
    Arbitration: help two sides of compromise
    Secret Ballot: vote in private
    Direct Primary: votes choose candidates for elections
    Conservation: efforts to protect the environment
    Initiative: citizens place laws on the ballot
  • TR Actions

    Meat Inspection Act: Government checks if the meat is good or bad
    Muckrakers: Journaislts who exposed the bad things in the US
    Shermans Antitrust Act: Law to limit the size and power of big business
    Progressivism: Movement to get the government involved in society
    Interstate Commerce Commission: Government agency and used to supervise railroads
    Square Deal: Name of TRs plan to help people
    Coal Strike of 1901: settled by TR because of arbitration
    Pure fd Act: food labels on food
  • The Industrial Age VOCAB

    Vertical Integration: Practice where a single entity controls the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution Political Machine: A party organization that recruits voter loyalty with tangible incentives and is characterized by a high degree of control over member activity
  • Transportation

    Linked raw materials to factories and factory goods to consumer markets
    Rivers and canals
  • J.P Morgan

    J.P Morgan
    Bought Carnie Steel in 190 remedied it U.S steel
  • Central Powers

    the Ottoman Empire
  • Allies

    the United States.
  • World War 1 Causes

    Extreme leaders
  • Spark of WW1

    The association of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Fourteen Points and Treatys of Versailles

    -He believed the United States should have taken a lead in stopping the peace process
    -Point 6-13
    -Point 14
    The Big Four
    British prime minister David Lloyd George
    Italian prime minister Vittorio Orlando
    French premier George Clemenceau
    The U.S. President Woodrow Wilson Wilson did not sign the Treaty of Versaille because the constitution gives the Senate the power to approve treaties
    -Return to Normalcy- Warren Tlarding
  • Trench Warfare

    Why Use It:
    To keep soldiers safe What Impact It Had:
    *Bad impact of the soldiers Info:
    *10ft deep ditch
    *Soldiers are safe from enemy fire
    *Barbed wire in the front of a trench
    *Between two trenches "NO MANS LAND"
    *The water in the trenches gave them trench foot
    *Gas would give the soldiers burns New weapons:
    *Poisonous gas- stays low to the ground
    *forces soldiers out of their trenches
    *Tanks- can drive through "No Man's Land"
    *Airplanes-to observe and attack enemies from above