American history

  • Sedition Act

    One of the first tests of freedom of speech
  • Wilson’s presidency term

    Served 2 full terms of office and created League of Nations after WWI
  • WWI

    12 million letters were delivered to the frontline every week
  • Lusitania

    Sank in 18 minutes
  • Great migration timeframe

    Relocated more than 6 million African Americans
  • Jeannette Rankin

    She was elected to the House of Representatives in 1916
  • Selective Service Act

    This act authorized the federal government to temporarily expand the military through conscription
  • Espionage Act

    Prohibited people from intentionally making false reports to interface with the success of the military
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    The Bolshevicks believed Lenin’s dictum that the Russian Revolution was to be the vanguard of a world socialist revolution
  • Wilson’s 14 points

    Was created to find a strategy to ending WWI
  • Spanish flu

    Infected around 500 million people
  • Schenk vs. US

    Was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court concerning enforcement of the Espionage Act
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    The right of citizens of the US to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US
  • Us senate rejects treaty of Versailles

    Senate rejects treaty because president Wilson Woodrow failed to take senators objections to the agreement into consideration
  • Terrorist attack in 1920.

    A horse-drawn cart carrying a massive, improvised explosive was detonated on the busiest corner on Wall Street
  • Mass media was born

    The first commercially licensed radio station began broadcasting live results of the presidential election
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Convicted people of accepting bribes from the oil companies
  • The Lincoln Memorial

    The Lincoln Memorial
    It was dedicated to Washington D.C.
  • Invention of the TV

    Invention of the TV
    First success in the invention of television occurs by American inventor Philo Taylor Farnsworth
  • Mount Rushmore begins

    Mount Rushmore begins
    Work on the gigantic sculpture at Mount Rushmore begins