Abraham Lincoln
On April 14th of 1865 Abraham Lincoln was assasinated. Lincoln was assasinated in Ford's Theatre while John went up to the room that Lincoln was in. This guy had shot Lincoln from the back and left him dead. This guy that was involved and the one who mudered Lincoln was names John Wilkes Booth.. -
Large amounts of people began to migrate to America for better lifestyles and to have more freeedom. -
World War I occurs: ships were being attacked and civilians were being killed and this causes the U.S. to join the World War. -
James Truslow
James Truslow comes up with and explains the term "American Dream" and this term becomes very popular throughout the country. The cause of this made the American people realize what the American Dream was and what it took to achieve it. -
The New Deal
In 1933 the New Deal was passed and introduced. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a key person who was involved, he was the one who launched the New Deal. The cause of this was to clean up all of the banking systems and any other financial messes. -
WW2 Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor is bombed by Japananese forces and kill many citizens. Isoroku Yamamoto and president Admiral Kimmel were two key people involved in the attack. The cause of all of this was America joining World War II. -
Cold War
The Cold War begins in 1945. Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt were key people who were all involved. All of theses three leaders meet at the Yalta Conference. The cause of this created the war. -
August 6th was the day that the U.S. had bombed Hiroshima, a Japanese city. Emperor Hirohito and Franklin D. Roosevelt were the ones who were involved. The cause of this was Japan surrendering to the war. -
On August 9th the U.S. had bombed the Japanese city Nagasaki. Franklin D Rossevelt and the rest of the U.S. government. The cause of the bombing was Japan surrendering in the war. -
Puerto RIco
On July 25th Puerto Rico becomes a territory belonging to the U.S. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth to America and is very helpful with transportation. The U.S. government was involved in annexing Puerto Rico. The cause of this was very benneficial with transportaion. -
The Vietnam War
In December of 1956, The Vietnam War had began and it was a horrific war... This war lasted unti April 30th of 1975. This war lasted around 18 years, within all of this time many American lifes were lost and many came back injured. Vietnam soldiers were also injured and many were killed. The ones involved were the Vietnam government and the U.S. government. The cause of the war was South Vietnam being annexed by North Vietnam. -
John F. Kennedy (JFK)
On November 22nd, of 1963 one of our greatest presidents was assasinated while driving by in a car... Kennedy's assain was very questionable due to the direction of the bullet and and from the position the shooter was at. The people involved were the ones at the ceremony and the shooter and other U.S. officials. The cause of this was the U.S. going on search and to study the assasination and to figure out who killed our great president... -
The Berlin Wall
On the 9th of November the Berlin Wall had came to a collapse. German and Berliners were the ones behind the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. The cause of this was to free all of the people and to live with freedom. -
On September 11th, of 2001 terrorists had hijacked several planes and they flew the planes into the World Trade Center and soon the towers had both collapsed... Another plane had hit the Pentagon and did damage. The other plane had crashed out in Pennsylavania. Al Qaeda terrorists and Osama Bin Laden were involved in this incident. The cause of this was the U.S. tracking down and killing Osama Bin Laden.. -
George W. Bush
In 2002 George W. Bush labels Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as the "Axis of Evil". Bush also declares that any country or nation developing weapons of mass destruction will be declared war against. George W. Bush was involved in this along with many other American officials. The result of this was no one setting out weapons of mass destruction, or attacking the U.S. -
Barrack Obama
In 2008 America elects the first African American president ever in history, Barrack Obama.