Period: to
Rutherford B. Hayes
Republican, Vice President: William A. Wheeler -
Period: to
James A. Garfield
Republican, Vice President: Chester A. Aurther -
Period: to
Chester A. Arthur
Republican, came in after Garfield died froom pneumonia -
Chinese Exlusion Act of 1882
On May 6, 1882 president Auther signed the Chinese Exclusion Act. This prohibted chinese immigration for 10 years. -
Period: to
Grover Cleveland
Democrat, Vice President: Thomas A. Hendricks -
Period: to
Benjamin Harrison
Republican, Vice President: Levi P. Morton -
Mckinley Tariff
Also known as the Tariff Act of 1890 the Mckinley Tariff was signed on this date. It was a tax put on manufactured goods. -
Period: to
Grover Cleveland
Democrat, Vice President: Adlai Stevenson -
Period: to
William McKinley
Republican, VIce President: Garrett Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt -
USS Maine
On this date the USS Maine was suck in Cuba. This was one cause of the Spanish American War. -
Period: to
Spainsh American War
The Spainsh American War was fought in Cuba between the U.S. and Spain. It lasted over the course of 5 months. -
Period: to
Spanish American War
The Spanish American war was between Spain and America where most of the fighting took place in Cuba. The signing of the treaty of paris offically ended the war. -
Hawaii became a U.S. territory on this date. We wante Hawaii because it was full of sugar so we started a revolution organized by John Stevens. -
Open Door Policy
A term in foreign affairs initially used to refer to the United States policy. It was dated on this day. -
Period: to
Theodore Roosevelt
Republican, Vice President: Charles W. Fairbanks, served two terms -
Roosevelt Corollary
Addition to the Monoe Doctrine. Made by Theodore Roosevelt. -
Period: to
William Howard Taft
Republican, Vice President: James S. Sherman -
Election of 1912
This election conssited of Taft for the Republicans, Teddy for the Bull- Moose party, and Wilson for the Democrats. The Republicans not knowing who to vote for split the votes giving Wilson the win. -
Period: to
Woodrow Wilson
Democrat, Vice President: Thomas R.Marshall, served two terms -
Period: to
World War I was a global war that started over nationalism, alliances, mititarism, and imperialism. An immediate cause was the assassination of Archduke Francis. -
The Lusitania was a british ship used during WWI that was sunk by Germany. This was one of the imediate causes of WWI. -
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilsons fourteen points were eluicidated on this date. The fourteen points were made to help with world peace. -
Treaty of Versailles
This was the first Treaty of Versailles which ended WWI. It was exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. -
19th Amendement
The 19th Amendment ended being denied of the right to vote because of sex. Women were able to vote based on the ratification on the 19th Amendment. -
Period: to
Warren G. Harding
Republican, Vice Pesident: Calvin Cooledge -
Period: to
Calvin Coolidge
Republican, Vice president: Charles G. Dawes, served the remainder of Hardingsterm and a whole term -
Immigration Quota Act of 1924
The Immigration Quota Act of 1924 was passed on this date. This act set qotas for immigration for particular contries. -
Period: to
Herbert Hoover
Republican, Vice President: Charles Curtis, built the Hoover dam -
Great Depression
On this date which is known as Black Tuesday the stock market crashed. This was the beginning of the Great Depression which lasts throughout out the all of the 30s. -
Hawley Smoot Tariff
The Hawley Smoot Tarrif and Mckinley Tarrif were very similar. The Hawley Smoot tariff raised tax up to 59%. -
Period: to
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Democrat, Vice president(s): John Nance Garner, Henry A. Wallace, and Harry S. Truman, died in his fourth term as president -
Election of 1936
Relection of FDR making it his second of four terms. FDR ran against Alfred Landon getting 8 electoral votes and FDR getting 523. -
Period: to
World War II was the second global war dictstorships, militaism, nationalism, imperialism, and failure of appeasement. Pearl harbor brought america into the war. -
Four Freedoms Speech
the Four Freedoms Speech was given by FDR. Speech, worship, want, and fear were the four freedoms given. -
Lend Lease Act
This act was signed on this date by Roosevelt. Provided military aid during WWII. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan onthis date. This event brought America into WWII. -
Period: to
Harry S. Truman
Democrat, Vice President: Alben W. Barkley, came into office after FDR passed, served two terms -
Atomic Bomb
During WWII the U.S. on this date dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. This caused the surrender of Japan. -
truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine was made to stop the spread of communism. President Truman signed on this date. -
National Security Act
Harry S. Truman signed this act on this date. This act restructured foreign policy and military agencies. -
Marshall Plan
American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion. We wanted to help Europe rebuild after the war. -
Period: to
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republican, Vice President: Richard Nixon, served two terms. -
General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade. Regulated international trade. -
Interstate Highway System
Dwight D. Eisenhower built the interstate and highway system. The main goal was for quick travel and our defense. -
Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7.2 million. On this date Alaska became a U.S. state. -
Election of 1960
Nixon and Kennedy were the front runners of this election. Kennedy won more popular and electoral votes. -
Period: to
John F. Kennedy
Democrat, Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson, assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald -
Immigration Act of 1965
Lyndon Johnson signed this act at the foot of the Statue of Liberity. This act abolished the National Origins Formula. -
Period: to
Lyndonn B. Johnson
Democrat, Vice president: Herbert Humphrey, served the rest of JFK term and his own term -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited the discrimination for jobs and in schools. I also extended government power in dealing with Civil Rights issues. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Rights Act helped protect the voting rights for blacks. It was signed on this day by president Lyndon Johnson. -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
This Civil Rights Act prohibited the discrimination for housing based on any factor. Withholding loans or houses for qualified buyers based on race was not allowed. -
Period: to
Richard Nixon
Republican, Vice President: Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, resigned from office -
Period: to
Gerald Ford
Republican, Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller, served tohe remainder of Nixons term -
Period: to
Jimmy Carter
Democrat, Vice President: Walter Mondale -
Election of 1980
Reagan and Carter were the front runners in theis election. Reagan who ran as a Republican won. -
Period: to
Ronald Reagan
Republican, Vice President: George H. W. Bush, served two terms as president -
Period: to
George H. W. Bush
Republican, Vice president: Dan Qualyle -
San Fransico Earthquake
The San Fransico earthquake was of 7.8 magnitude. The earthquake killed 3000 and destroyed 80% of the city. -
Period: to
Bill Clinton
Demorcrat, Vice President: Al Gore, served two terms -
Election of 2000
Geroge Bush who ran for the Republicans and Al Gore who ran for the Democrats were the two front runners in the 2000 election. Bush won the election by winning the electoral votes from Flordia. -
Period: to
George W. Bush
Republican, Vice President: Dick Chenney. served two presidential terms -
9/11 Attack
On this day the U.S. was attacked by terrorists. This devestated to U.S. and ever since the country has been a lot stricter on security. -
Patriot Act
The patriot act was signed by George Bush on this date. It was anti-terrorism laws that expanded government power. -
Hurricane Katrina
Huricane Kartina hit New Orleans on the morning of August 29, 2005. It left most of the city underwater. -
Election of 2008
Barack Obama for the Democrats and John McCain for the Republicand were the front runners in this election. Obama won and proceeded on to two presidental terms. -
Period: to
Barack Obama
Democrat, Vice President: Joe Biden, served two terms, current president, first african american president.