American History 1st Semester REview By Shayna & Eric

  • Industrialism

    An economic and social system based on the development of large scale industries and market by the production of large quantities of inexpensive manufactured goods and concentration of employement in urban factories
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    An economic and social system based on the development of large scale industries and market by the production of large quantities of inexpensive manufactured goods and concentration of employement in urban factories
  • Boston Tea Party

    It was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston. They were fighting a new british tax policy. They threw crates of tea into the Boston Harbor as protest. It helped lead towards the American Revolution.
  • tammany hall

    tammany hall
    a Democratic political organization in New York City, founded in 1789 as a fraternal benevolent society (Tammany Society) and associated especially in the late 1800s and early 1900s with corruption and abuse of power.
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    a sence of national cousiosness exialting one nation above all other and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups.
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    Andrew Carnegie

    He was a Scotich-American industrialist he was born in Scotland and moved to America. He owned and built Pittsburgs Carnigie Steel Company. His steel production was a big part of the expansin of the steel industry.
  • manifest destiny

    the belief or doctrine held chiefly in the middle and latter part of the 19th century that it was the destiny of u.s to expand its territory over the whole north america and to extend and ehance it political,social,and encomic influences.
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    creation and or maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural,and territoral relationship,usually between states often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.
  • Bessemer Process

    It was the first inexpensive process for the mass production of steel. Henry Bessemer invented it in 1851. The process used basic refactory lining known as the basic Bessemer Process or the Gildrist-Thmas process after the discoverer Sidney Thomas.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    He was the 28th President of the U.S from 1913-1921. He persuaded the government to pass major progressive reforms. He also had full control of American entry into World War 1.
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    by the people of human geography is the creation and or manerance of an unequal economic,cultural,and territorial relatiionship, between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination.
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    Teddy Rosevelt

    He was sworn in as a republican president from 1901-1909. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his work in the negotiations that led to the Treaty of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. He is the youngest U.S president.
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    Franz Ferdinand

    He was an arch duke of Austrio-Este, A Austro-Hungarian and Royal Prince of Hungary and of Bohemia. His assasination in Serajevo helped cause Austria-Hungrys war against Serbia.
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    Upton Sinclair

    An author who wrote close to 100 books including Muchracking and the Jungle . He was also a one time canidate for governor of California.
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    central power

    consisted of the german empire the austro-hungaran empire,the ottoman empire and kingdom of bulgaria
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    It was a law signed by Chester A. Arthur on May 6, 1882. The law allowed the U.S to susspend Chinese Immigration for 10 years. A few chinese immigrants who were allowed to immigrate had to obtain certification from the Chinese government which was very difficult.
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    soial darwinism

    by whitch the soial order is accouted as the produt of natural selection of those persons best suited to existing living conditions and in accord with which a position of laissez-faire is advocated.
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    progressive Era

    was a period of social activism and politcal reform in u.s
  • spanish- american war

    spanish- american war
    conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, effectively the result of American intervention in the ongoing Cuban War of Independence. American attacks on Spain's Pacific possessions led to involvement in the Philippine Revolution and ultimately to the Philippine–American War
  • Consumers League

    It was a non-profit American consumer organization. It gave special labels to goods produced under fair, safe and helathy work conditions. It tried to focus on promoting a fair marketplace for workers and consumers.
  • Muckrackers

    A journalist of author who searches for and exposes scandals and abuses occuring in business and polotics. The term is most propperly applied to American reporters and writers from the early 1900's. Upton Sinclair was a famous Muckracker.
  • militarism

    the belief or desire of government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defined or promote national interests.
  • allied powers

    joined or united in a close relationship of similar related nature. it can also be used in reference to somthing related by famililar characteristics or ancestry.
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    world war 1

    was an international conflict primarily invoving european nations that was fought between the allies of russia,france,brittishempire,italy,united states,jupan,rumania,suerbia,reigium, greece.
  • zimmerman note

    zimmerman note
    he Zimmerman Telegram aka 'note', was sent from a German official in Germany to a German official in Mexico asking him to join an aliance with Germans, the Germans told them that they would help get the USA back to for the Mexicans. it was NOT Germany asking Mexico to attack us. (the English government intercepted this telegram and, instead of showing it to the American government, they gave it to the media, this forced americaa into the war.)
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    was the peace settlement signed after World War One had ended in 1918 and in the shadow of the Russian Revolution and other events in Russia. The treaty was signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris - hence its title - between Germany and the Allies. The three most important politicians there were David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson
  • teapot dome scandal

    teapot dome scandal
    significant scandal involving officials in President Warren G. Harding's administration taking bribes from oil executives. It was the most famous of the scandals that ruined President Harding's reputation
  • prohibition

    s the legal act of prohibiting the manufacture, transportation and sale of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. The term can also apply to the periods in the histories of the countries during which the prohibition of alcohol was enforced. Use of the term as applicable to a historical period is typically applied to countries of European culture.
  • hawley-smoot tariff act

    hawley-smoot tariff act
    was an act, sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley, and signed into law on June 17, 1930, that raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels
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    Robber Barons

    A fuedal lord, who charged huge tolls for those shipping goods throughout their lands. Is also a trerm used to describe a person who's made enormous amounts of money in business.