American History 1921-1941

By Benji:)
  • William G Harding becomes President

    William G Harding wins in an outstanding majority over James M. Cox
  • Calvin Coolidge becomes president

    Calvin Coolidge become president after the death of his predecessor, William Harding. He served until 1929
  • Period: to

    the Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a great economic down turn for the US that resulted from multiple economic factors like the stock market crash and the dustbowl.
  • Herbert Hoover becomes President

    Herbert Hoover destroyed Al Smith in the polls and becomes America's 31st President.
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    The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl was a period of terrible drought and high winds that forced many Midwestern Farmers from areas like Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. This forced many farmers to move west to California.
  • FDR began to implement the New Deal plan

    FDR, in an attempt to curb the Great Depression, launched the New Deal plan that established organizations to lower unemployment, assist struggling farmers, and build American infrastructure.
  • FDR becomes President

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated the sitting President, Herbert Hoover in the election of 1932 and began his Presidency at the onset of World War II
  • The Invasion of Poland

    the Nazi Regime under Adolf Hitler invade Poland spark World War II
  • Period: to

    World War II

    The second World war that dragged in almost every nation of the world and thrust our planet forward into the atomic way through the Manhattan project and the discovery that you could split atoms.