American Government time line

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John was forced to sign this "new law", however he did not follow it. It was singed to limit his powers. He implemented high taxes on citizens to pay for his wars in France. An example of Magna Carta would be when the Englishman got a document saying that they had to take him to trail for his taxes before they could take his property for compensation. This relates to the first amendment because they created new laws against the king.
  • Mayflower compa

    The mayflower Compact was a self-government, made up by the people who traveled on the Mayflower. The rules stated, that god was their one ruler, everyone was equal in the eyes of God, and that they followed and obey the king of England no matter what he does. This is an example of the 14th amendment because they made equal laws to benefit the colony.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    This was founded by a Connecticut Colony. It stated the power and limits of a government. They asked each town to create a "branch". An example of this would be the USA constitution, describing what they three branches of our government can and cannot do. This is an example of the 9th amendment, it gave structure to towns and oceans for trade.
  • English Bill of Rights

    It a bill to rid of a monarchy. Rulers William lll and Mary ll sighed the new bill. The bill outlined a lot of the things that the USA has in there constitution as well. An example of them being similar is, the bill limits the power the "crown" or ruler has. It is now a government to satisfy the people. The UK is now a parliament. This is an example of Article 1, they limits the power of the king and queen.
  • French and Indian War

    This war is also known a the seven year war. It was the French and Indians vs the British. They had fought for land and to break free from Britain. This is an example of Article 1, section 8, part ll. This relates because the French had less men than the British so they relied on Indians for help.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    This plan was create a government for the thirteen governments. Suggested by Benjamin Franklin. They did this to protect the colonies from getting attacked while the French and Indian war was looming. This is an example of Article 4, section 3, part l. This was was one of the earliest try's to create a union.,
  • acts (intolerable, sugar, stamp)

    The intolerable act was about punishing the Boston port for the Boston tea party. The sugar act was about trying to stop smuggling of sugar. The stamp act was an embossment on citizens to raise their taxes. An example of all of this today would be the 18 amendment, because the acts were created to create more revenue for king George lll.
  • First Continental Congress

    Delegates from each 13 colonies, went to discuss new acts. They met in Philadelphia. It was also a meeting to boycott British goods. This is an example of Article 1, section 8, clause 15 because, US agreed to boycott British trades and urged each colony to set up their own military.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This was the first attempt to get a representative self-governance. This idea sparked revolutionary ideas. It ignited the revolutionary war. This is an example of Article Vll, because they established a loose infrastructure. It helped cause the revolutionary war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The declaration stated why the colonies decided to put themselves at distance from the British. After this was established many wars had started to beak out. It was adopted by the second continental congress. This is an example of the 2nd amendment because, it was a document that signed freedom to the US away from Britain.
  • Articles of Confederation

    This was an outline of the national government. They declared it after independence from Great Britain. There were thirteen different articles that gave each state power. This is an example of the 10 amendment because it is a written of the constitution that remain independent.
  • Shay’s Rebellion

    was an armed uprising in western Massachusetts. The government tried to raise taxes from the people and their trades. The fight took place in Springfield. It happened to stop trial and imprisonment. This relates to the 16th amendment because citizens were opposing to paying higher taxes for debt crisis.
  • Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan was a proposal to the United States Constitutional Convention for the creation of a supreme national government. This is an example of article 1 in the constitution because, it presented a constitution convention.
  • Three-fifths compromise

    Was an agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention. slave owners would have direct tax. This is an example of Article 1 section 2 clause 3 because, it was to determine if slaves should be considered a count among population.
  • New Jersey Plan

    This was a proposal for the United States Federal Government. Presented by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention. Each form of government would have one legislative house in each one one house would get one vote. This is an example of Article 1, section 3 the senate because, it was a proposal for a type of govern.