Ancient Greece
Ancient Greese exsists and the Athenian have a direct democracy. This helped the creation of the constitution because America has a democracy. -
Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome had a mix of government between democracy and a republic. This was helpful for American Government because Untied States is a mixed government. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a document sealed under the oath of King John. This was the first document that limited the king's power. This is important with American Government because we limit our leader's powers by a lot. -
Mayflower Compact
This was an agreement signed between the new settlers arriving at new Plymouth. This was the first written government for the United States. -
Leviathan was a book written by Thomas Hobbes. This book is significant to the American Government because it talks a lot about the social contract theroy. -
The English Bill of Rights
The English Bill of Rights was a list of rights people could do. This was important to Americana's government because we have a bill of rights. -
Two Treatises on Government
In this book, John Locke tells how everyone is not born a slave to a king. This is imporatant for America's government because without it we might beleive in that thought that we are born to be a slave. -
The Social Contract
The social contract is a belief that the poeple are the purpose of the government and the government only exsists to serve the people. America's government runs off of this and that is why this is important. -
On the Spirit of Laws
On the Spirit of Laws was a treatise. This treatise was important because it talks about poltical theory and other things like liberty and the speration of powers. -
Treatise on Tolerance
Treatise on Tolerance was a book written by Voltaire. This book is important to Amercian Government because it talks about religion tollorence. This is shown in today's government because the government doesn't care what religion you have or don't have. -
On Crime and Punishment
On Crime and Punishment is a book written by Cesare Beccaria. The book talked about how we need to reforming the criminal justice system. This helps the current government because our ciminal justice system might be different. -
First Continental Congress
This was the first meeting, held in secret, and each of the thirdteen colonies sent one representative exsept Gerogia. This meeting helped the fondation of America's government because we kind of have this today, like congress. -
Second Continental Congress
This is a meeting that was held in Philadelphia. Each of the thirdteen colonies sent a representive. Soon after this event the warfare of the revolutionary war started to happen. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was put in to place on this date. The whole point of this document was for America to declare indepencence from the British. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederations was the first government the Untied States of America had. It was later ended when everyone realised that there was not enough federal power. This was important because it showed some flaws that the later government would fix. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was a document very important in American History. The agreement was with the United States and Great Britain saying that Britain reconized that America was independent. Without this we may still be in war or something crazy. -
Shay’s Rebellion
Shay’s Rebellion was an uprising, that was armed, that took place in Massachusetts. Without this, America's history would be very different. The problem was that farmers were mad about a tax that was put on their crops and they didn't want to pay it. -
The Philadelphia Convention
At this convention there was a delegate representing every state but Rhode Island. At this convention the consistuion was written and the Articles of Confederation was thrown out.