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American Government Class

By erbs
  • First day of class!

    The best day ever!!! First day of class and first day you met your favorite American Governmnet teacher AND all your new awesome friends in this class!
  • Political Parties

    Political Parties
    We started learning all about political parites this day. After we learned the difference and how they worked, You were placed in a group and created your OWN political platform.
  • ancient greece

    in anceint greece their gov blah
  • Counselor Visit

    This day the Conselor came to talk to the class. You all took a quiz over what may be a good fit for a possible career. That was fun!!

    This day we did the shipwrecked activity. In your group, you had to come up with how you would survive on an island. You also learned why it is important to have a government!
  • Test Day!

    Test Day!
    We took our unit 2 Test! YAY!
  • Timeline

    Today we are starting this great timeline projects all about the events that led up to the Declaration of Independence!