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American, French, and Industrial Revolution (1776-1863)

  • The French and Indian War begins

    The beginning of French and Indian War played a big role in economic troubles in France. The war ended in the Treaty of Paris. (diplomatic/military)
  • Louis XVI is crowned King of France

    The infamous King of France becomes king with his queen, Marie Antoinette. (political)
  • American Revolutionary War begins

    America begins its fight for independence from Britain. The war played a big role in the American Revolution and hurt France during it Revolution, because France financed a lot of the Revolutionary War for America. (diplomatic/military)
  • Wealth of Nations is published

    Adam Smth publishes the Wealth of Nations which describes what makes a wealthy nation. (social)
  • The Declaration of Independence was signed in the United States

    The Declaration of Independence was signed in the United States
    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and signed by 56 delegates to the Continental Congress. It declared the 13 colonies of America independant. It also declared that the United States were no longer part of the British Empire. (political)
  • Period: to

    Bad Harvest in France

    A bad harvest occurs in France and leads to farmers and peasants receiving lower income. Food prices rise drastically and make it difficult to live. (economic)
  • Start of the French Revolution

    Many disagreements between the estates in France caused a revolution to begin in France. (Social)
  • George Washington becomes the first president of the United States of America

    Washington played a big role in the American Revolution as commander-in-chief of the continental army during the Revolutionary War. (political)
  • Estates-General held at Versailles

    A meeting was held at Versailles between all three estates. It was held to solve a finacial crisis. At the meeting was 600 delegates from the 3rd estates, and 300 delegates from the 1st and 2nd estate. (social)
  • 3rd Estate declares themselves a National Assembly.

    The third estate demands more representation and votes to become a National Assembly. (Politcal)
  • Tennis Court Oath

    All three estates were supposed to meet, but the king locked the doors so the third estate delegates could not get in. The third estate then met at a tennis court and would not leave until they got a constitution that they wanted. (social)
  • Bastille is raided by a group of people in search for gun powder

    A large mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. (economic)
  • Olympe de Gouges creates the Declaration of Rights of Women and the Female Citizen

    In the document she strongly challenged the practice of male authority. She fought for the rights of women until she was executed by the guillotine in 1793. (Social)
  • King Louis XVI reign ends and creates some economic relief for France

    After the heavy spending Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their royalty, France's economy began to improve.
  • Napoleonic Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon led his army across the Niemen River into Russia to invade and fight the largest army in Europe.
  • Mines Act passed in Britain

    The Mines Act stopped women and children from working in the poor underground working conditions. (political)
  • Women and Children are protected from working too many hours

    The workday for women and children in Britain became limited to 10 hours. (Political)
  • The Communist Manifesto published

    Karl Marx, a muckraker, wrote the Communist Manifesto and predicted that the workers will overthrow the owners. (cultural/technological)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    A presidential proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln to end slavery in ten states that were still in rebellion. (cultural/technological)
  • Child labor laws passed and maximum hours set in the United States

    Children are now protected from working in the dangerous working conditions that they formerly worked in. Also, the maxium amount of working hours was set to protect employees from being over-worked without extra pay. (political)