American Foreign Policy

  • End of American Revolution,

    End of American Revolution,
    American Revolution
    In 1783, the American revolution ended by the found of United States of America.
  • Isolationism for U.S.

    Isolationism for U.S.
    For a long time, geographic isolation, abundant national resources, and weak armed forces all encouraged isolationism for U.S.. Many supporters in the government also support to isolate the nation to avoid wars.
  • President Monroe.

    President Monroe.
    Monroe Doctrine
    In 19th century, many european countries built more and more colonies in North and South America which might be a aggression for United States. President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, warning european powers to stay out of the affairs of North and South America.
  • The Open Door Policy.

    The Open Door Policy.
    The Open Door Policy
    For a wider influence in the global world, U.S. leaded by president Roosevelt started to have better relationships with many countries in the world.
  • End of The Korean War.

    End of The Korean War.
    The Korean War took place in 1950, U.S. sent armed force with other UN force to Korea, against communist North Korean that was supported by the Soviets. The end of the war promotes the U.S. toward better relationship with Asian countries.
  • Trip to China

    Trip to China
    President Richard Nixon takes a dramatic first step toward normalizing relations with the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) by traveling to Beijing for a week of talks. Nixon’s historic visit began the slow process of the re-establishing diplomatic relations between the United States and communist China.
  • Trip to Japan.

    Trip to Japan.
    In November 1974, Gerald Ford became the first sitting American president to visit Japan. He used the trip to reinforce US-Japanese relations, and started the cooperation between two countries.
  • End of Vietnam War.

    End of Vietnam War.
    Korean War
    The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, is the war for U.S. to fight against the communist of North Vietnam which was supported by the Soviet Union during the cold war.
  • Soviet Union Collapse.

    Soviet Union Collapse.
    By the time World War II ended, most American officials agreed that the best defense against the Soviet threat was a strategy called “containment.” The U.S. won the cold war in 1991 when USSR finally collapsed. U.S. promoted its relationships with many countries after the cold war.
  • The Iraq War.

    The Iraq War.
    The Iraq War is the most recent foreign activity for U.S., to deal with the terrorism that is known as "911", U.S. sent armed faced to Iraq and started the Iraq War in 2003, and the war is still continuing now.