
American Education Timeline

  • First Free School

    First Free School
    Opens in Virginia!
  • First higher education institution

    First higher education institution
    Harvard College
  • Blackboard invented

    Blackboard invented
    Invented by James Pillans
  • First public high school

    First public high school
    Boston English High School
  • Public education for all

    Public education for all
    State of Massachusettes passes a law requiring towns of more than 500 families to have a public education open to all.
  • First female superintendent

    First female superintendent
    Ella Flagg Young in Chicago, IL
  • AFT founded

    AFT founded
    American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
  • Transportation for all

    Transportation for all
    All states have laws providing funds for transporting children to school.
  • "Seperate but equal" abolished

    "Seperate but equal" abolished
    Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas
  • Smart Board introduced

    Smart Board introduced