
American Education

By kalijo
  • 1636

    Harvard college has its beginnings in a seminary.
  • 1700

    Quacker school for black students is established in Philadelphia.
  • 1821

    Boston's English High School opens with 102 students. The school is the first tuition free public high school.
  • 1917

    Congress passes the Smith-Hughes acts. Allowing funds for education below the college level.
  • 1923

    Classrooms being incorporating radios into penmanship accounting, history and arithmetic lessons.
  • 1930

    Overhead projectors came into use.
  • 1931

    A sex education program is introduced citywide in Chicago.
  • 1933

    52% of schools are using silent films.
  • 1939

    First TV appears in a classroom
  • 1946

    The US congress approves the national school lunch act.
  • 1954

    US supreme court rules schools segregated by race are unequal and therefore unconstitutional.
  • 1961

    The teacher of deaf act is enacted
  • 1966

    The school breakfast program pilot is launched.
  • 1967

    Texas instruments develops the handheld instruments.
  • 1976

    Expansion of the Emergency School aid act provides federal funding for the planning and implementation of magnet schools.
  • 1979

    US department of education is established under the department of Education Organization Act
  • 1980

    US spending on education reaches 151.5 billion
  • 1985

    Touch typing software is introduced.
  • 1988

    Laptops are introduced and are eventually utilized as touching tools.
  • 1990

    CD-Roms become a predominant form of storage.
  • 1991

    SMART boards are introduced in schools
  • 1993

    Education Act of 1986 is expanded to mandate biological education about HIV, AIDS, and sexually transmitted diseases in public schools.
  • 1994

    Proposition 187 passes California making it illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend school.
  • 1996

    Children of baby boomers swell school enrollments to a record 51.7 million students.
  • 2012

    1.5 Million Ipads are used in school.