American Dream

  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    Says that all men are created equal and are guaranteed certain unalienable rights-including life, liberty, and the persuit of land. Everybody has the same opportunities to succeed in life and achieve their personal american dreams.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution
    The Constitution states that, in order to form a more perfect union, the United States promotes the general welfare of its people and secures the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.
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    The Civil War

    The Civil War caused stress between the North and the South because while the North was greatly industrialized, the South was still composed of mainly farms and depended on slaves to work. With the anti slavery beliefs expanding to the Western states, Southerners began to worry that their economy would fail if they had to work without slaves. They depended on the slaves to grow crops and do work that earned the slave owners money. Without money they would not reach their American Dream.
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    Great Migration

    This Great Migration was the mass migration of African Americans from the South to the North from 1916 to 1920 who were after jobs in sweatshops and factories, money, and essentially better lives.
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    The Roaring Twenties

    The 1920s are known as a time of prosperity in America. America experienced much commercial and urban expansion. The time in known for the Model T, the $5 work day, and the first transatlantic flight, for example. The Model T and the first Ttansatlantic flight were advances that have changed our world, giving us the ability to travel far and connect with people everywhere.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression is known as a time of great crisis in America. One of the worst things to happen during the despression was the stock market crash, when the way people thought they would get rich(buy buying stock) actually caused bankruptsy. Banks closed and people lost their savings, they couldn't afford luxury items so stores were closing, and therefore people lost jobs. The Great Depression was like one big, tragic domino effect that ruined the economy and peoples' american dreams.