Period: to
14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment that grants people who were born in the United States is granted equal protection of the laws. -
The trancontinetal railroad was done. It helped move people and supplies faster to one side of the country to anther. Time to travel across country by months too day. -
15th Amendment
The 15th amendment allowed everyone to vote no matter what race, color, or previous contidition of servitude. -
The Great Chicago Fire
It was a fire that calimed about 250 lives and burn down 17,500 buildings. -
The Comstock Act
Not aloud to mail immoral picture and drugs. -
Barbed wire
Barbed wire provided an economical way to fence in cattle on the great plains, the discovery of gold lead 1000's of settlers to the Black Hills in Indian Territory -
Civil rights act of 1875
Alouds Afica american the right to public rallies and alouds them to be able to do Jury Duty. -
Battle of Little Big Horn
General George Cluster and 265 other men die by the Sioux Indians -
The Great Railroad Strikes
First major railroad strike and it was the first major strike in nation history. It also lead to ten states to mobzile 60,000 mitilia. -
First Internal combustion engine in car
Karl Benz produces the first internal combustion engine. -
Invent of the light bulb.
Thomas Edison invent the light bulb. It was one of the greatest invents of all time. Because it can give clean light in stead of caddles. -
Population Increasing
US population went up to 50,155,783 -
Century of Dishonor
Helen Hunt Jackson wrote this book. Its about how the US goverment broke treatie with the native american. An how the white man came in and took all there land and did not think twice about it. -
Chinese Exclusion act
Congress passed the Chinese exclusion act which barred chinese from entering the country except for travelers, merchants, students, and those born in the US. -
Stanard time
US and Canada adopt the system of standard time for the railroads. -
First skyscraper with steel skeleton
The first building with a steel skeleton was built in Chicago for William Jenney and his Home Insurance Company -
Haymarket Square Bombing
Dawes Severalty Act
Subdivides Indian reservations into individual plots of land of 160 to 320 acres. Extre Land are sold to white settlers. -
Edward Bellamy's book Published
Edward Bellamy publishes his novel, Looking Backward, which predicts a cooperative commonwealth. -
Johnstown Flood
An abandoned reservoir break and flood Johnstown PA. Killed 2,295 people. -
Mississippi Plan
Mississippi restricts black suffrage by making voters to read and interpret the US constitution -
New Orleans angry mob
An angery mob breaks into a Prison and kills eleven Sicilian accused of killing the Police Chef. -
Ellis Island screens immigrants
Ellis Island opens to screen immigrants. 20 million immigrants passed throught before it was closed in 1954. -
Hawaii Take over
A group of sugar and pineapple-growing businessmen, with the help by a American minister to Hawaii and backed by heavily armed U.S. soldiers and marines, caturped Hawaii's queen. Subsequently, they imprisoned the queen and seized 1.75 million acres of land and conspired to annex the islands to the United States. -
Coxey's Army
Jacob Coxey leads a march on Washington by the unemployed -
Plessy vs. Ferguson
The US Supreme Court rules that both races will recieve equal facilities. -
Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War was a result of the conflict when the US aquires Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines -
A world meeting
US and 25 nation meet at The hague to talk about disarmament, arbitration of international disputes, protection of noncombatants, and limitations on methods of warfare.