Period: to
American Civil War
The American Civil War dates. -
Open Fire
April 12, Pierre Beaugard open fired with 50 cannons upon Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. -
The President
Abraham Lincoln is sworn is sworn as 16th of the United States of America. -
President Lincoln issues a Proclamation for 75,000 militiamen, assembling a special session of Congress. -
Lincoln's son Williedied from most likely the water in the White House -
After four months being his own "general-in-cheif", President Lincoln hands the task over to General Henry W. Halleck. -
Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves issued by Abraham Lincoln. -
General Grant is placed in command of the Army of the West, with West, with orders to capture Vicksburg -
General Grant
Lincoln appoints General Grant to command all western operations in the western theater. -
The war turns against the South as the Confeerate are defeated at the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania -
John B. Hood was repleaced by Johnston as commamnder of the Army of Tennesse. -
George B. Mcclellan ran for president against Abraham Lincoln. -
Path Of Destruction
Sherman reached Savannah in Georgia leaving a 300 mile path of destruction 60 miles all the way from Atlanta. Sherman telegraphed Lincoln a offer of a Christmas President which was Savannah. -
A peace conference occured when President Lincoln meets with Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephans at Hampton roads in Virginia, but meeting ends in complete failure. -
The Portrait
The president's beautiful portrait was finished. -
Super Dead
John Wikes Booth is shot and killed in a tabacco barn in Virginia.