American Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter sumter was the first shots fired in the civil war. no one was killed or injured
  • 1st bull run

    1st bull run Union general was Irvin McDowell and the confedorate was Joseph E. Johnson. this was the first battle of the civil war. it was a confedorate victory
  • Emancapation Proclomation

    Emancapation Proclomation was Signed by lincoln and was encuraged by the batle of.
    it encuraged slaves to rebel and was a military action so it didnt effect the slave states in the Union
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Battle of Hampton Roads John Worden [US]; Capt. Franklin Buchanan and Lt. Catesby R. Jones [CS] was not on actually on roads, was on water and this battle was a draw
  • battle of Shiloh

    battle of Shiloh
    Battle of SilohGrant union vs confedorate Johnston and Beauregard
    it was aUnoion victory and also strangthened Grants wins and trust with Lincoln
  • 2nd Bull Run

    2nd Bull Run
    2nd bull rununion General John Pope vs. General Robert E. Lee it was a confederate victory and showed the strong leadership in Lee.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    AntienUnion general was George McClellan and the confedorate was Robert E. Lee. This battle was the battle that incouraged Lincoln to sign the Emancapation Proclomation.
  • BAttle of Fredericsburg

    BAttle of Fredericsburg
    Union general was Burnside vs. Robert E Lee Confedorate
    the Confedorate won and this battle Burnside replaced
  • Battle of Chacellorsville

    Battle of Chacellorsville
    lasted till May 6
    Union general was Joseph Hooker Confedorate was Robert E Lee
    Ended in a confedorate victory
  • siege of Vickingsburg

    siege of Vickingsburg
    lasted about a month. union general Ulyess Grant. Confedorate John Pemberton. Union victory. Confedorate split in half
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    George G, Meade union vs. Robert E Lee confedorate
    not the final battle, but adressed a clear winner, the union.
    Union victory
  • Siege of Atlanta

    Siege of Atlanta
  • Ratification of the 13th Amendment

    Ratification of the 13th Amendment
    THis declared that there should be no enslaved persons in the us
  • Assasonation of Aberham LIncoln

    Assasonation of Aberham LIncoln
    Was assasonated in Fords Theater by john Wilkes Booth, while trying to watch Our American cousin, the play
  • Surender at appomattox corthouse

    Surender at appomattox corthouse
    This event marked the end of the civil war. was not in a actual corthouse.