Fort Sumter
http://www.nps.gov/fosu/index.htmFort sumter was the first shots fired in the civil war. no one was killed or injured -
1st bull run
http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/va005.htmThe Union general was Irvin McDowell and the confedorate was Joseph E. Johnson. this was the first battle of the civil war. it was a confedorate victory -
Emancapation Proclomation
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h1549.htmlit was Signed by lincoln and was encuraged by the batle of.
it encuraged slaves to rebel and was a military action so it didnt effect the slave states in the Union -
Battle of Hampton Roads
http://www.nps.gov/hps/abpp/battles/va008.htmLt. John Worden [US]; Capt. Franklin Buchanan and Lt. Catesby R. Jones [CS] was not on actually on roads, was on water and this battle was a draw -
battle of Shiloh
Battle of SilohGrant union vs confedorate Johnston and Beauregard
it was aUnoion victory and also strangthened Grants wins and trust with Lincoln -
2nd Bull Run
2nd bull rununion General John Pope vs. General Robert E. Lee it was a confederate victory and showed the strong leadership in Lee. -
Battle of Antietam
AntienUnion general was George McClellan and the confedorate was Robert E. Lee. This battle was the battle that incouraged Lincoln to sign the Emancapation Proclomation. -
BAttle of Fredericsburg
Union general was Burnside vs. Robert E Lee Confedorate
the Confedorate won and this battle Burnside replaced -
Battle of Chacellorsville
lasted till May 6
Union general was Joseph Hooker Confedorate was Robert E Lee
Ended in a confedorate victory -
siege of Vickingsburg
lasted about a month. union general Ulyess Grant. Confedorate John Pemberton. Union victory. Confedorate split in half -
Battle of Gettysburg
George G, Meade union vs. Robert E Lee confedorate
not the final battle, but adressed a clear winner, the union.
Union victory -
Siege of Atlanta
Ratification of the 13th Amendment
THis declared that there should be no enslaved persons in the us -
Assasonation of Aberham LIncoln
Was assasonated in Fords Theater by john Wilkes Booth, while trying to watch Our American cousin, the play -
Surender at appomattox corthouse
This event marked the end of the civil war. was not in a actual corthouse.